slipkid, I always make sure to eat something when I take my night pill even if I’m not hungry. This lessens that side effect.Metoprolol gave me the worst nightmares I've ever had in my life.
slipkid, I always make sure to eat something when I take my night pill even if I’m not hungry. This lessens that side effect.Metoprolol gave me the worst nightmares I've ever had in my life.
slipkid, I always make sure to eat something when I take my night pill even if I’m not hungry. This lessens that side effect.
Wow! Sorry to read this though I laughed reading it! Mine are vivid dreams, mostly pleasant! I hope they will never change. I had and would have nightmares when I eat too much at dinner or just before I sleep.Didn't seem to make any diff with me. Even when taking the pill in the A.M. I had the horrible nightmares instead of when they switched me to evening (I used to take it with dinner at that point). Waking up screaming (or the sicko voice trying to scream in your sleep that made me sound like Frankenstein) was not fun.
I'm also on 12.5 mg twice a day and tolerate it well. My initial 25 mg twice daily made me tired and my bp too low.I seem to be tolerating well. BP is perfect, and in general I don't feel too tired. No worse than usually
I'm also on 12.5 mg twice a day and tolerate it well. My initial 25 mg twice daily made me tired and my bp too low.
Did you have a bicuspid aortic valve like me? If so, there's another reason to consider staying on Metroprol.
Following my surgery, I consulted with a cardiologist specializing in congenital heart defects, including bicuspid aortic valve.
While a mechanical valve and the repaired aorta are likely unaffected by blood pressure, the concern is the remaining unrepaired aorta. The same disease process that associates bicuspid aortic valves with ascending aortic aneurysms can lead to aneurysms in other locations of the aorta.
Lowering blood pressure with a beta blocker will reduce the risk of another aneurysm. That risk is relatively small, but since I'm tolerating Metroprol well, I'm staying on it for that reason.
Wow! Sorry to read this though I laughed reading it! Mine are vivid dreams, mostly pleasant! I hope they will never change. I had and would have nightmares when I eat too much at dinner or just before I sleep.
Yeah, my cardiologists never mentioned it but referred me to a congenital heart disease specialist for a consult, who brought it up. She also suggested skipping an echo every few years and doing a cardiac CT or cardiac MRI (to reduce radiation exposure). Otherwise, you won't know if you have an aneurysm growing in an unrepaired portion of your aorta. The odds are pretty small, but the risk is easy to mitigate.Wow that's interesting, I did not know about that bicuspid connection with aneurysms. I had bicuspid aortic valve all my life and no Dr (including 2 cardiologists) ever mentioned anything about that risk.
Ouch. Just wondering if the dosage or the filling in the pill makes a difference! What dosage were you on and what pill color and which manufacturer if you remember!… Going on metoprolol changed them to nightmares, extremely frightening ones which took on another dimension as to actually think I was awake and experiencing them for real. Wonder if those two drugs in combination increased that effect?
Are you asking about the PPI or the metoprolol?Ouch. Just wondering if the dosage or the filling in the pill makes a difference! What dosage were you on and what pill color and which manufacturer if you remember!
I find Teva is a good manufacturer.
"Current clinical and scientific studies are revealing that bicuspid aortic disease is not a simple valve condition. It increasingly appears to be a genetically based connective tissue disorder."
Hi @slipkid
I was asking about Metoprolol!
I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts on the drug, pros and cons, and if you continued or discontinued.