I didn't see this thread so am copying my post where you asked this question in the other thread
Hi I missed your post in Nov, sorry. My son Justin is 21 and also has had a few heart surgeries. Since Brooklyn has and IEP, Does she have it for her CHD, or did they do tests for a learning disability also? The reason I ask is because a large percentage of children with CHD that had surgeies as a baby have learning problems, they aren't sure if it is from surgeries, low Oxygen or combinations of everything. Justin was classified in 2nd grade with a learning disability so was in special classes for reading, writing, spelling, language until he was mainstreamed for all classes in 10th grade. He had alot of problems in K and 1st grade, which is why they started the testing for a LD.
Since she has an IEP she probably doesn't need a 504, they usually use a 504 for physical /health problems if a child doesn't qualify for an IEP. IF they have an IEP then they just incorparate anything the 504 would say into the IEP.
As for holding her back, I can't offer any advice, we briefly thought about it when Justin was in Kindergarden, looking back I'm glad we didn't. He can be sensetive and already felt a little different because of his heart,kind of low self esteem and had some really good friends so staying in Kindergarden when all his friends moved up, probably really would have made his self esteem really low., and but again he ended up having a learning disability and holding him back wouldn't have helped, what he really needed was the smaller class and the teachers being able to teach him the way he learns best, he's more an audio viusal/hands on type of learning not reading.
BUT I guess ALOT would depend on what kind of grades Brooklyn is getting. Justin always struggled and had a hard time but never was flunking, or almost flunking grades, but alot of that was because he did all his homework ect so that kept him in low C's even with the terrible test grades. IF he was failing everything I would have kept him back
I'm not quite sure I understand why having surgeries would later on would hold her back, Justin and most kids I know had teachers come to the house while he was out. Actually Justin got better grades when he was homebound because the teacher got to work with just him and they got a weeks worth of class done in just a couple hours. (he had home bound part of 5th, 6th and 11th) BUT IF they think she might get held back later, I would think holding her back now might cause problems later on, I can't imagine being a Senior in HS when you are 20.
I probably confused you more than helpd soory, I'm hav9ing a tough day and not thinking clearly and am typing with a splint on my hand (gee I sound like a mess lol)