I know this is a Throw Down, with a little competitive fun, but to add to what Dennis has said, many authorities have stated that a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy goal. I, too, am in this for the long haul, and I am grateful to Cooker for starting this. I would be thrilled with 1 or 2 pounds of loss a week. That could mean that by Christmas, I could be some 20-25 pounds lighter than now. By Christmas 2008 I could be near my optimal weight and then proceeding to maintain it.
We all follow our own nutritional plans, and learn from each other, but I am of the opinion that a balanced menu is the healthiest. All the basic food groups (potato chips isn't one, alas

),all healthy foods in moderation. Just my two cents.
I don't mean this at all as a damper. I hope this becomes a regular feature on vr.com. It is already doing a lot of good. Tons of good, you might say. : )