Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down Thread

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I wasn't sure if we were posting daily progress or not.

Yesterday I was proud of myself for the most part. I walked a mile at the rec center. I had Cheereos for breakfast (supposed to help lower cholesterol) and a salad for lunch, but for dinner my hubby made fish. That wasn't the bad part. The bad part is that he also made a cream sauce to go with it. Man that sauce was good!

Today I did just okay. I had Cheereos again for breakfast, a grilled chicken sandwich (and some of my neighbor's fries. They don't count, right? Since I didn't order them. :D ), and for dinner I had a cobb salad with a light "cilantro lime" dressing. I'm trying to be good about not looking at the whole menu and just looking at the "healthy" section. Next week should be easier, since I won't be eating out so much (inservice this week, students start next week). I'll be bringing my lunch to school so that will give me no choice on what I'm eating! I didn't go to the rec center today, but I do still plan to do some Pilates before I get in the shower.

I'm so glad I've got you guys to be accountable with. I told my hubby what I was trying to do, yet he makes cream sauce! Tomorrow it's my turn to cook, so I'm doing baked potatoes.

Keep it up everyone!
Bob, may I mention to try and stay away from that bologna, it's absolute crap.....if you like some occasional cold cuts try the turkey breast. But it is still full of chemical preservatives.
We bake skinless chicken breasts in a casserole dish and freeze them in little ziplock baggies.
One or two can be taken out and defrosted any time....that makes a great sandwich, salad, or dinner.

BTW, where is your lovely dog avatar?:)
Okay-I had a Slimfast bar and cup of milk for breakfast. A grilled chicken sandwich with cottage cheese for lunch, and a small chicken breast in a light creamy sauce, a breadstick some carrots and low cal ice cream bar by Blue Bunny. Did not snack today (VERY unusual for me) because I was stressed out-my mom broke her foot today. She lives alone and I am worried about her. Tuesday will be fun-she has 6 month cardio appt and a visit with orthopedic man-woohoo. I am hoping for at least a couple of pounds down by Monday-my friend wants me to go out to breakfast with her Thursday morning to a BUFFET:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Scary. If you could keep my mom in prayers I would be very appreciative:) Deb
Deb, you did good today, with all the stress involved. Stress eating has been one of our downfalls. We will pray for your mom.

Bob, we like your new avatar. It made us chuckle. Of course, we still love your Miss Sadie (How is she?).

Cindy made some good mostly healthy strawberry muffins today. They were good. They count as 3 points on our plan. Oh, sorry Bob.........well, actually Weight Watchers sells some good muffins if they would help you out. Just a thought.

Anyone have any good recipes?

Wise & Cindy
Protein shake for Breakfast
1/2 a CPK B-B-Q chicken salad for lunch (went out to lunch w/ friends)

1/2 chicken breast, green beans and 1/2 apple

snack - granola bar

lots of water

I'm HUNGRY!!!!

Will certainly pray for your mom. Hope those appointments go well tomorrow.


Sadie lady is doing fine -- chasing squirrels full speed, playing ball. It really is a miracle that her hip has healed into socket so well. I'm sure the prayers of her friends here helped very much.

I love to go to a local coffeehouse and to have a muffin or a scone with the java is just heavenly. They do have some low-fat muffins and I guess I could allow myself one of those for a treat now and then.
Sorry to hear about your mom's breaking her foot today, Deb. I hope she heals and copes well.

1/2 a CPK B-B-Q chicken salad for lunch
What's CPK?

I love the sharing of menus on this thread! I find the choosing of foods to be the hardest part of preparing meals.


Breakfast - two egg whites plus 1/4C. Egg Beaters scrambled and small bowl of Fiber One Clusters with raisins and 1/2C. milk

Lunch - two small grilled talapia filets and dry salad

Dinner - 7 oz. chicken (breast) piccata with 1 1/2C. whole wheat fettucini and one large sliced tomato.

Snack - Starbucks mocha bar

This totals 24 points in the Weight Watchers system, which is my daily allotment without using any discretionary points (I'm allowed 35 per week), but subtracting 2 points for today's activity (which was 30 minutes moderate walking on treadmill)--which means I actually ate 26 points but worked off 2 of them.
For is my 5 beautiful Grandchildren in my Avatar.. I want to watch them all grow up..go to college and live to see them get married and give me some more G-Grandkids.

Bonnie, I think keeping things like this in mind is extremely helpful. It reminds me of the requirement of the last weight loss program I had success with, which instructed that one write down three reasons for wanting to lose weight and three obstacles to doing so.

I kept my lists in my medicine cabinet and looked at them whenever I needed a little boost. Sounds a bit hokey perhaps, but it really helped me to stay on track. For instance, my biggest obstacle--hands down--is showering first thing in the morning. If I do so, I do not want to get all sweaty so I am not likely to work out. So, I either get up early and work out (which is walking now that I'm so out of shape from months of slacking off--hmm...gotta change that avatar...) before doing whatever I have to do or I do whatever I have to do before showering, then work out, and shower after--whichever works best.
HI everyone...

I decided I should join in the fun here as I have about 5-6 kilos that I want to lose for Summer. I dont like the number I get when I convert kilos to I really have to work in pounds?:eek:
I have been pretty good all week except for the absence of exercise, so I will just get on with it and post my numbers.

height: 170 cm (5'7")
weight: 71.2 kgs (158lbs approx)
Bina said:
Bob, may I mention to try and stay away from that bologna, it's absolute crap.....if you like some occasional cold cuts try the turkey breast. But it is still full of chemical preservatives.
We bake skinless chicken breasts in a casserole dish and freeze them in little ziplock baggies.
One or two can be taken out and defrosted any time....that makes a great sandwich, salad, or dinner.

BTW, where is your lovely dog avatar?:)

I love bologna!!! "Oscar Myer Fat Free" is great:p :p :p
aussigal said:
HI everyone...

I dont like the number I get when I convert kilos to I really have to work in pounds?:eek:

height: 170 cm (5'7")
weight: 71.2 kgs (158lbs approx)
YES!!! I can not convert metric to English and diet at the same time:eek: :eek: :eek: :p
CPK is California Pizza Kitchen - one of my favorite restaurants. Not dieter friendly. It was all I could do to not order my favorites - either a Goat Cheese and Roasted Red Pepper pizza with bacon, or their Jamaican Jerk Chicken pizza.

I'm sure the salad wasn't too dietetic. I know chef salads aren't very low cal.
HUnger pangs! Had to get up really early to take g-daughter to school. Had just a bowl of wheaties. Now the cleaning lady is at work and I have no access to the kitchen for several hours.

Guess I will have to go to Bubba's mini-mart for grub. Bubba has bait and beef jerky but he don't have no low-cal fare. Help! LUnch could be a can o' vienna sausages and a can of beanie weenies eaten cold. Alternative is to go to coffeehouse and have a whole bag o' muffins! :D :eek: :p
Hello. Sorry to be slow. I'm in.

189# :eek:

Had a very stressful 2 months beginning of summer and "medicated" with drinks before dinner, wine with, and lots of chocolate. Messed up my stomach really badly (GERD), of all things. So this is a good time for me to jump on, as I've cut out my liquor/wine and chocolates completely to try to get my tummy feeling better.

My cholesterol ratio has been high for 2-3 years, but I've refused statins. I've changed my diet drastically, and it is on its way down. The good cholesterol needs to be up (more exercising needed) and my tryglycerides are very high. Of course, my liquor/wine/chocolate diet just preceded my last blood draw! Anyway, some of the things I do for my cholesterol are also helpful for regular dieting........ I use a lot of olive oil in my cooking. Also garlic. We eat tons of dark green leafy veggies, mostly steamed with no butter, or raw in salads.

I buy a bag of raw almonds (with skin still on) at Costco, divvy them up into 2 week amount freezer bags, and then keep one in the pantry for my daily 5-10 snack almonds and the rest, fresh, in the freezer.

I buy a large head of celery or celery hearts. I slice them up into sticks and put them in a ziploc. A very good crunchy (and I need crunch!!) snack. Sometimes I'll scoop a little peanut butter (JIF makes great low fat PB) into a tablespoon and swipe my celery sticks in that.

I don't do well with milk products. Cheese seems to be fine, but milk in my cereal is not. I use SILK Vanilla flavored soymilk. After awhile, you really do not notice the difference, if you are using healthy, hearty whole grain type cereals. I'm certain the soy is helping me also. I tend to eat a bowl of Kashi for breakfast (the puffed wheat type), with a side of 10 almonds, coffee and fake cream and a very small glass of orange juice (I cannot and will not ever give up my orange juice...but I will reduce the amount). Then lunch, same, bowl of Kashi and add fresh fruit (or the dry blueberries at costco). Snack later on celery, or crackers and cheese. Then a regular dinner (my husband doesn't really want to change dinnertime at all) which is often rather late, unfortunately, with no second helpings.

That is me so far. Changes are continuing to occur. Stepping up the exercise, cutting back on helpings, etc.. I just want to find a rhythm. I cannot eat like the rest of you are describing. Something has to remain normal.

With the previous "plan" I've already lost 20 pounds. This THROW DOWN is going to re-invigorate my cause!! I'm going to join my husband on his after dinner walks (hey, he's the one who comes home late and makes dinner so late) and be much more dilligent about my own exercising. If you ain't movin', you ain't losin'!!!!

I love being accountable to you guys. I need that extra kick in the ass at this point! This will turn out to be the best plan yet. Thanks, Cooker!

:D :D :D Marguerite
BOB!! Go to Bubba's and buy a box of ziploc baggies. Then go fill them with some smart food to grab when you're on the go or hungry!!! Don't give yourself time to think bad thoughts...have the good stuff ripe and ready! ;)
