Tired of the anxiety

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My surgeons booklet of instructions of what medications to not take in the weeks before surgery did not include anxiety meds. Actually, when I was at Mass General the day before my surgery for all the pre op testing, I met with anesthesiologist and he verified with me what medications I had ceased taking and which I continued to take.... per my surgeon's instructions. The last question I asked when we were finished was "is it okay for me to take a xanax tonight if the anxiety gets too much" and he responded it was perfectly safe for me to do so. I took one that night prior and it helped me.
It took me over 4 months to get over the worry of the "surgery in the future". That was about 3 years ago. I decided that it was not going to rule my life. If I followed the doctors instructions about taking care of myself, then there was nothing I could do about it. When it is time, it will be time. I tend to dwell on it near my echo followups as others have also said. Thanks to this forum, I have been able to get both information and support as needed.
I was in the waiting room for more than 25 years. It was a shock when I first heard the news, but I got over it with time and forgot about my heart's condition and lived a normal life though there was a light anxiety inside me which i handled well with exercise and support from loved ones.

Yet, when I heard the news that surgery was needed within 6 months, I was devastated! I could not pull myself together though I had always been a strong person. I immediately asked my GP for his advice and he encouraged me to try 10 mg Prozac. Wow! its effect was great...I became able to research surgeons, valves, hospitals, etc. and by the time my surgery date was due, I was in great uplifted moods. Of course, I still was very scared and worried about my relatives' sufferings and sadness in case I did not wake up. But I knew deep inside that it was not my time to go.

If I had found this website at the time of my news, I may have managed well without any medication as the genuine caring of all the members here are of great support.

Good luck.
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Duff man, my Cardiologist simply told me to take an antidepressant, and it certainly helped a great deal...our hearts need to be calm, not charging around all over the place. Secondly, I don't know if your insurance carrier provides this service...but within the week post-op, they had called me to ask how I was doing, and that they had programs for OHS patients...therapists, psychiatrists, etc. I was blown away. WE know the weirdness of that depression post-op...but even friends are dubious (great support there, team) and here is an insurance co right on top of it! I said I was fine (huh, 1st week post-op) but called them back later to take them up on it. No appts yet, but just wanted you to know psych and emotional therapy is definitely covered by some insurance...and if they PHONE to let you know, just know it's so definitely out there; don't suffer in silence (like anybody on this site does, good for US!!!)...maybe they help us understand what the heck its all about...etc. Good luck! Michellemar
The pre-surgery wait with the seemingly never-ending cancellations was for me far worse than the surgery recovery itself. I had three panic attacks that were not dealt with that kept my anxiety level high.

Knowing my life would be wonderful with the valve in place sustained me.

What you're experiencing is valid and you will get to the other side that is a wonderful place to be.