Tingly ouchy scar

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Fourteen weeks post-surgery tmw and all is well.
I wonder though if anybody else has experienced ouch/tingles in their incisions? Most of my scar is not painful, but right at the top has become very sensitive just in the past week or so. I gently massage various oils into it, as recommended by lots of people. But there's just an uncomfortable sensation when I touch a few certain points.
Have others felt the same discomfort?
Hi Alison! I am 12 weeks post-op today, and have had the same thing that you mention. I have had sharp twinges near the top of the scar, although they don't last long and they come in batches, it seems. I haven't worried too much about them as they go away and I don't feel them for a few days at a time. I have also noticed that when I sleep on my back it seems to contract my scar a bit, as when I get up and walk around in the morning it feels as though the scar is being stretched back out. I don't think either of these are big deals, and haven't given them much thought. My hypothesis on the twinges was that the nerve endings that are healing are giving me a little tweak. That is based on no medical knowledge or googling, but just what I thought it might be when I first started feeling them! Could be completely off base, but that was my thoughts.
I also wonder if it might not be nerve endings mending.
I had the same after both my OHS and in time they settled down. Only occassionally do I now get such sensations.
I also wonder if it might not be nerve endings mending.
I had the same after both my OHS and in time they settled down. Only occasionally do I now get such sensations.

That is exactly what I was told what it was. Nerve endings, tissue and other things are healing.
Check to see you you don't have an 'end-stitch' trying to poke through, this too may cause more 'ouch/tingles' as you described.
It sounds familiar to me, too. Also, most of us received more "abuse" at the top of our incision than the rest. My understanding is that they extend the sternum-cut a little FARTHER than the skin-cut, to shorten the ultimate scar a cm or so. But that stretches and distorts the soft tissues around the top of the incision/scar. Essentially, they go easy with the scalpel, then make up for it with the saw and the crowbar. (Apologies to any pre-op readers -- you'll be way better off afterwards!)

Mine started out with a noticeable "bump" and a "keyhole" look at the top. Most of the bump has flattened out (at ~6 months post-op), but it still looks a bit keyhole-like at the top.
You're right that most of us have the big bump at the top of our incisions and my surgeon described exactly what you wrote as to skin incision being shorter than the length of bone he cut. My first surgery, no one explained to me about the big bump and it worried me until it was explained to me.
My scar is doing the same as yours...it has only hurt at the top, I have never had any severe pain further down. And it did itch alot at first, till he told me to put Neosporin on it. I also have had a totally "numb" left breast since the surgery, the right is fine. It has started to shot pain from near my left arm pit, to the nipple area. I assumed it was because he used my Mammary artery for the bypass done to my left anterior descending coronary artery. I figured it was nerves repairing themselves....sure hoping it is not a permanent thing. I see him tomorrow, so will as for sure.
Since alot of us seem to have this......it must be normal. I will ask my Surgeon tomorrow....how long the top area of the sternum will be feeling pain. Wishing you luck and hope yours stops soon......BTW.......what kind of oil are you using on it ?? One to lessen the scar ?
Go Team 2011 !!!
BAV with severe stenosis dx 11/2010 and 3 proximal arteries 75% occluded. 4/14/2011 AVR with a Edwards "Magna" Bovine Tissue Valve with a triple bypass.
I'm about 15 weeks post-op. The top of my scar gets very irritated by clothing touching it (so much for hiding it). It's very sensitive and painful at times. I really notice it after sitting up from reclining or getting out of bed. It helps to massage it and put lotion on it.
I have a keloid and I'm 11 months out and it is still sensitive, today I got cortisone shots in it, wow it was painful, but I'll let you know how it is in a couple days.
My family Doctor has a different take on what is happening with area of the chest scar. She says the problem is most often not in the nerves but in the brain. As the nerves heal, the brain must remap the area and at times it will interpret stimuli as pain no matter what it is. I actually had a circular area about 9" wide that became super sensitive at times starting in the 3rd month. At times a soft cotton tee shirt could feel like shark skin. She recommended that I rub the skin with objects of different texture several times a day to help desensitize the area and get past this. I did and it got better in a few weeks and then went away. There is always the question, of course, would it have done the same if I had done nothing? She believes that it probably would but might have taken longer to become less sensitive.

In September, I will finish my 2nd year with the new valve and the scar which has completely faded now. Every once in awhile it will still become sensitive for a short while as though to remind me of the past. As riders would say, it is "an event of the race".


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