time to swap greetings

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Christmas is nearly here and the next few days will be filled with rushing, traveling, cooking, wrapping, hiding stuff - so I think I will start the thread of good wishes and know you will be along to add yours as well.


My Christmas Card List

Each name stands for someone, who has touched my life sometime
And in that they've became, a special friend of mine
I really feel that I'm composed, of each remembered name,
And my life is so much better, than it was before they came

Once you've known that "someone", all the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word, or of a friendly face
So never think my Christmas cards, are just a mere routine
Of names upon a list, that are forgotten in between

For when I send a Christmas card, that is addressed to you,
It is because you're on that list, of folks that I have met,
And you happen to be one of those, I prefer not to forget,
And whether I have known you, for many years or few,
The greatest gift that God can give, is having friends like you!

May the Spirit of Christmas, that forever endures,
Leave its blessings in the heart of you and yours,
The joy and peace of the Season are here
May they remain with you, in the coming year

My love to you all - Ann (Hensylee)
I'm not one for poetry, so I hope everyone can settle for "I wish all of you a Happy, Healthy, Safe, and Blessed Holiday Season."

That was good Hensylee. Did you write that one up or did you cheat? :p
A wish for you

A wish for you

Happy Holidays everyone!!!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.

This is my sincere wish that everyone (families included) has a healthy, prosperous and extraordinary 2003!

Don't for get to leave a little something out for Santa and the reindeer

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my new friends on VR.Com...:) :) :) Bonnie
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

I want to wish everyone here a Very Merry Christmas. I hope everyone's holiday is filled with Peace, Joy & Happiness.

Take Care!
Ann I don't know where you found that poem but it was really nice.
I would like to wish everyone happy holidays.
For those recently past surgery please enjoy this time and give thanks for your new lease on life.
For those facing surgery try to relax and enjoy this time with friends and family.
Seasons greetings

Seasons greetings

Echoing Bonnie's post, I would like to wish everyone at vr.com a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

Thanks for the beautiful poem!!! I hope you all have a great Christmas & New Year!!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

The tree is up, the cookies are baked, the presents are bought and the stockings are hung (all 9 of them). Now it's time to just enjoy. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe. As I sit here and watch the news, there is another explosion in Isreal. My Christmas prayer: Peace on Earth
A very Merry Christmas to all! I hope the following new year brings you health, happiness and prosperity!

time to swap greetings

Hi All,
Although I have not posted for awhile..I have faithfully been a lurker. Since my operation in June ( triple bypass..AVR passed over this time ) I have consistently progressed and feel on top o' the world this season.

Heather and I have just recieved news of a new grandchild on the way and life is great!!

I thank the good Lord first and You Wonderful People on this marvellous site for making my recovery year so positive and memorable.

As the man says...God Bless You All and Everyone!!
Merry Christmas..Happy Holidays..God Bless

Jack ( Welland )
May everyone have a very joyful Christmas and New Year and my very special wish for the new year is world peace. :)
Greetings from New England

Greetings from New England

Wising everyone a happy holiday season. May we all stay healthy and happy.

Ann, by the way, that was a beautiful poem.

Merry Christmas
I want to wish everyone a M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S A N D A H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

May the New Year be blessed with Peace for all!
To all my VR.com friends! God Bless!
BTW: Ann the poem was great!