Time to move on back to the NE UK

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I had my mitral valve replacement done 4 yrs ago and its noisy and I am doing fine. I heading off to the NE of England on holiday for the next 3 months. I haven't been there for 7 years and in the mean time I have lost a couple of friends so I'm heading back before I get old.
Since my opp in Feb 03 I have done lots of cycling lots of fishing and lots of driving. The thing I like about England is I don't get a car there and I do lots of walking. I have been putting on weight I think its because of the driving as I drive around heaps in Melbourne and Victoria. I can remember it was hard work the last time but I have the drive to do things and if I don't have a car I must walk or bus and walk or train and walk. I know it will be good for me and I like the NE of England as long as I don't talk I could be a local because I understand everything the locals say. Ive been in Australia and other parts of Europe to long and my accent has gone.
Its been great read about people with the same sort of medical history as myself and to know there are others out there who confront life with a similar out look is great.
I hope you have a wonderful time. You can lose a lot of weight walking everywhere for 3 months. Good luck and be safe.
You must be mad mate.

Holiday perhaps, to live no no no...;)

I left the UK 4 years ago and the NE of england was about to break out into a civil war.

Plus its COLD.....soooooo cold.

I don't think i could ever leave sunny perth to go back to the UK even for a visit.

I hope you enjoy it and its everything you remember it as.

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