Time of day for warfarin dose?

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I take mine at 5pm every day. It is so routine that I rarely have to remind myself. Also, taking it at that hour makes it possible to change the dosage for the day if the inr indicates that it is needed.
Al, here are my hospital readings and doses....this should keep you busy for a while.....:D

Surgery October 12,2005???..INR results (range 2.5--3.5) and Coumadin dosages.

IV Heparin given Oct. 12?Oct. 16 and again from Oct.22--Oct.24

Oct 13---INR 1.50-----5 mg Coumadin

Oct 13--------1.39?..

Oct 14-------1.27----5 mg

Oct 15-------1.75----5 mg

Oct 16------2.93

Oct 16------3.41-----1mg

Oct 17-----3.28------2mg

Oct 18-----3.53------1mg

Oct 19-----3.45------1mg

Oct 20-----2.79------2mg

Oct 21-----2.26-----3mg

Oct 22-----2.06-----3mg

Oct 23-----1.98-----4mg

Oct 24----2.18------4 mg

Oct 24----2.54

Oct 25----2.86-----3mg

Oct 26----3.09------Release Day-----3 days of in-range INR.:)

Note: INR was tested TWICE daily when it was too low and Heparin was re-instated.
Thanks for your daily test data Bina.

It looks like your INR was still dropping after surgery.
What Day was your Last Dose Before Surgery?
Did they test your INR before surgery?

It appears they recognized that 5 mg was too much fairly quickly and anticipated the INR peak. From that point on, they were pretty conservative in their dosing / dose changes which prevented wild fluctuations. Their last 1 mg dose probably could / should have been 2 mg (IMO) to smooth out the dip but "hind sight is 20-20".

The early rise was interesting and clearly NOT linear, falling somewhere in-between what Ross predicted and what I expected.

FWIW, another one of my "Engineering Hunches" is that Loading Doses DO bring up the INR faster, but unless the manager is Very Good at Predicting (GUESSING) how high the INR will go, Often / Usually results in an Over-Shoot followed by a Big Dip due to over-compensation.

Using the known Stable Dose from the start probably takes a bit longer to reach stability, but avoids the Wild Swings caused by Over and Under Dosing.

It would be interesting to see similar data on someone whose 'sweet spot' was known beforehand and was maintained on a Constant Dose for a similar length of time.

'AL Capshaw'
Al, there was no pre-surgery dosing, this was my very first experience with OHS and Coumadin.
Another thing to consider was that I really didn't eat much at all for the first few days due to nausea.
And of course, when I went home, after a few days my INR dropped to 1.9 and I ended up in the ER for 2 days on IV Heparin.
Since then, not a single problem in over 3 yrs. :)
The best time to take coumadin/warfarin is the time most likeluy when you will not forget to take the dose.
The best time to take coumadin/warfarin is the time most likeluy when you will not forget to take the dose.
I think this is true. I always remember in the AM with morning coffee. For some reason I forgot a few doses when I switched to somewhere around supper time to bedtime. I did not take the warfarin the same time every evening. Not sure why, just didn't.
Al, there was no pre-surgery dosing, this was my very first experience with OHS and Coumadin.
Another thing to consider was that I really didn't eat much at all for the first few days due to nausea.
And of course, when I went home, after a few days my INR dropped to 1.9 and I ended up in the ER for 2 days on IV Heparin.
Since then, not a single problem in over 3 yrs. :)

That's Interesting... I wonder where the INR=1.5 came from for your first test... Bogus Test maybe???

A drop in INR after going home is not uncommon as your activity level increases daily, or almost daily.

My previous PCP liked to talk about balancing the Art of Medicine with the Science of Medicine. I think INR management is a good example of that balancing act. :)

'AL Capshaw'
Al, I wouldn't consider anything a Bogus Test....those words are not in my surgeon's vocabulary. ;)
I do know that they were taking blood samples a couple of times a day sometimes, and at any hour.
It got to the point that getting a tube of blood was extremely difficult and they were going into the back of my hands.
No wonder my Coaguchek tester is my best friend.
I have always taken my coumadin at night. I have a batch of pills I take first thing in the morning so I have a pill box for the morning pills & then I have a pill box for my evening batch which includes my coumadin.

Like others have mentioned --- it's best for you to take it when you know you're less likely to forget it. Pill boxes are a life saver! :)
Right Norma, my pill box is my "second" best friend.

My Dad takes a few meds (including coumadin for afib) and when we were up there for my Moms funeral I bought him one of thos pill boxes with the AM and PM sections, because he always took his meds when Mom did and was worried about forgetting some with out her there. He was thrilled with his pill box since he could now do his pills for a week instead of every day and never thought of getting one because he didn't know they made them with am/pm boxes and thought it would be more of a mess to have all of his daily meds in the same box.
Dropped to 2.2 while travelling! does this mean every time I am travelling my INR will drop?!!

In your case it dropped but in my case, it shot up pretty high. When we went to Houston two weeks ago, I checked it when we got back & it was 4.9; go figure........:confused: And I didn't do any drinking either!!!!;)
My Dad takes a few meds (including coumadin for afib) and when we were up there for my Moms funeral I bought him one of thos pill boxes with the AM and PM sections, because he always took his meds when Mom did and was worried about forgetting some with out her there. He was thrilled with his pill box since he could now do his pills for a week instead of every day and never thought of getting one because he didn't know they made them with am/pm boxes and thought it would be more of a mess to have all of his daily meds in the same box.

Good for you. Post op, my hubby got me a couple of pill boxes and one of them had 4 compartments for each day....which made the taking of multiple pills easy to spread out and keep track of.
Now I prefer to use the regular box with 1 compartment for each day since my pill quantity is much less and I can just pop the small box into my purse if I go out.
Good for you. Post op, my hubby got me a couple of pill boxes and one of them had 4 compartments for each day....which made the taking of multiple pills easy to spread out and keep track of.
Now I prefer to use the regular box with 1 compartment for each day since my pill quantity is much less and I can just pop the small box into my purse if I go out.

He is going to start doing bus trips again, he used to love them with Mom, but had to staop the last couple years, he said the box will be great for the couple day trips instead of taking all his bottles. I saw some on qvc (of course lol) that you can snap off how many days you need or just that days section if you are going out for the day instead of taking the entire week worth. I was thinking of getting one of those for both him and me (for my back meds) but haven't seen them in a store yet.

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