Three weeks post-op -- a few more bread crumbs

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Heather Anne

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
Mill Valley, CA
Today is the three week anniversary of my new heart valve. Everything is going so well that I almost didn't post this update, but then I remembered that positive, event-free recovery stories were incredibly encouraging to me when I was in the waiting room, so here goes:

(1) I saw my surgeon for my post-op checkup on Friday, and he said I was doing great and took me off ALL meds, including amiodorone. He also said that my old valve was in truly wretched shape, and that by the end of the calendar year I would look back at how I felt this summer (when I considered myself only mildly symptomatic) and be stunned at how much better I would feel in comparison. So, looking forward to that.

(2) I am now walking 4.5 miles a day, in two walks of 2.25 miles each, and plan to increase that every day until I'm up to 5 miles a day by the end of this week. But don't let that impress you too much -- I think that's pretty standard, compared to others on this board, and I am still moving at what can most generously be called a "stroll." Still, the improvement has been gratifying, to say the least.

(3) I went out to dinner with my family on Saturday night, and it was fabulous. Pre-op people: plan to do that as soon as you can. There is nothing like doing normal stuff -- going to a movie or out to dinner -- to make you feel like you're on the upside of things.

(4) On the down side, I'm still having stiffness and soreness in my neck, upper back and shoulders from the ridiculously unnatural position I was in during the surgery. I'm taking ibuprofin at night for the pain, but still having trouble getting comfortable in bed. I know this will pass, though, so I adapt by going to bed early and napping whenever I darned well feel like it.

(5) Not being able to drive is, like, the best thing ever. No running errands! No schlepping kids all over town! I've got three more weeks of this and man, I am going to miss it when it's over!!!!

So that's it. Carry on, my fellow heart-people: whether you're pre- or post-op, you are on a positive trajectory, with a new lease on life. The small miseries of recuperation, though they may be numerous, are worth it, in my opinion, for the brand new day that awaits.
4.5 miles?! You think that's normal?! I walk for at least a half hour each day, and there's no way that adds up to 4.5 miles. Is everyone post-op doing 4 miles a day?!
humans tend to walk at about 1.4*m/s (5.0*km/h; 3.1*mph)

A lot depends on if you were sedentary or active before surgery and of course your age.

I was doing only round the block in the first weeks home, but by 3 months I was doing that on the soft beach sands.

Work up slowly, work within your limits and above all put some effort behind it. Don't go spaz and hurt yourself but keep pushing a wee bit more each week. I don't want to sound boring but only you are responsible for your best recovery.

Also I found that my resting heart rate recovers better as my exersize levels increase. When I left hospital it was 110 or so. Now its 67, which for a 50yo male is OK.
4.5 miles?! You think that's normal?! I walk for at least a half hour each day, and there's no way that adds up to 4.5 miles. Is everyone post-op doing 4 miles a day?!

Everyone is different. For me, and I was pretty fit, 4.5 miles a day at 3 weeks would have been way more than I could have done.

Heather Anne, it sounds like you are doing great! This will be a great read for those looking to have surgery soon. Thanks for posting.

Stay Well
Heather Anne your posts have taken my anxiety-ridden self and made me almost look forward to OHS in a month!! Seriously, thank you so much for making this last month in the waiting room so much easier! We are of a similar age and mindset i think, i will be choosing a tissue valve also and only hope that my experience goes as smoothly as yours has!! Please keep updating because you are really helping people with your encouraging story!!!
Hi jmstallard,

I am 5 weeks post op and no I am not up to 4.5 miles each day. In fact, I felt I was not up to the norm when Heather Anne posted but we have to understand everyone is unique. If I do a total of 2 to 2.5 miles a day, I consider myself lucky. Yes, I was physically active before surgery but at my age, my recovery is probably slower than others. You have to listen to your body, it will tell you when you have had enough (although I do try to push it a little more every day). Kudos to Heather Anne - you are a great inspiration to those in the presurgery or postsurgery phase. Nita
And also, Canadian kilometer girl here, so like how many blocks would 4.5 miles constitute? I have a goal to aim for, now... :D

well around the block in my neighbourhood is about 1 Km. But the bloody house is on top of a hill!

Go for it shellbell
Ack! I didn't mean to make people feel bad! I'm not walking 4.5 miles all at once - that would kill me! I'm doing one 2.25 mile walk in the morning, and one in the evening, after dinner. And it takes me about 45 minutes to do each of those. So I am not burning holes in the bottom of my shoes by any means.

But I do think it's important, as pellicle said, to push oneself a little bit further each day. To that end, I got the Nike Run app for my phone ($1.99). It tells you exactly how far you've walked, and how long it took you. Plus it gets so excited: it says things like "Today, records fell! You walked .72 miles!" So how can you not want to walk farther each time? :)
My post-OP instructions centered on time, not distance. Starting one week after discharge, the goal was a 5 minute walk out and the same to return for a total of 10 minutes. Then the next day it was 6 minutes out, etc. The long term goal was a total of 30 minutes at 30 days after discharge.

I found the program easy to follow and felt like I was pushing myself without overdoing it.

This walking program was in addition to at least 3 more walks each day. -- Suzanne
I walked 1/2 mile twice a day from the day I came home. I was told to take it easy so for 1 month I didn't increase distance at all, but did increase my speed from a stroll to normal pace by the end of the month. The second month I was able to increase distance and add stationary bike, by 3rd month I was swimming.

I was driving at 3.5 weeks. If you asked your Dr. maybe he would let you drive sooner ;-) But seriously, except for regular exercise, relaxation is very important. Still a lot of healing to do.
We certainly are all very different - I was a mid-distance runner pre-surgery but three weeks after my OHS I was NOT walking 4.5 miles a day.....probably more like 2 miles and that was 1 mile in the morning and 1 mile in the afternoon.

It's great Heather Anne that your recovery is going so well.....and it is inspirational....but everyone is different - the goal is to recover - whatever that means to you, it is an individual process.

As for me, two years later I'm back running - just did a 10 mile run last Saturday! I feel great and have long forgotten about my recovery.

I wish everyone a smooth recovery at your own pace, and after a few months or years post-surgery you'll feel so very different - in a good way :)

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