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I have been lurking for over a year and also have posted a few things. What really struck me tonight was the compassion this site really has. It is really a fantastic site. The internet and the way it can connect people through sites like this is truly amazing!

It would relly be interesting to know how many lives it has saved!

Dave I don't think we'll ever know the answer to that one. There are many people who only lurk and read. Some join in, others do not.

This has to be the very best group of people I've ever come across in my lifetime. Makes you proud to be a part of all of it, doesn't it? :)
I agree, Dave. I go to some other sites and it's just not the same. There is something really personal and immediate here, plus the medical information garnered from everyone's collective experiences and personal researches is superb. It keeps us all knowledgeable about what's happening in the field.

This site has it all, tremendous support, compassion, help, information, friendship and much fun.

For everyone who lurks most of the time, why not join in? You never know how much you can help someone else unless you try. And if you're hurting or fearful, come on in and post your questions. You'll be surprised at how good it feels to get replies.
DITTO, to all, you have said it!

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies

Thank you all for the compliments on our community.

I created this site to become exactly what you have described and I am pleased with how it has turned out.

I have received at least two emails from people who claim that this site directly saved their lives. What an awesome thing for a poor little Arizona white boy :D .

It is you people who come here and participate who make it what it is, and it is I who thanks all of you for your additions to the collective worth of this site.

In the coming months and years, I will strive to keep the site constant as a personal and friendly place for knowledge sharing, friendship and companionship. Heck, we have even matched up a couple or two out there!

Maybe I should break out a seperate portion and call it :D .

Don't tell my wife I said that. She hardly ever gets on anymore anyway. Y'all should chastise her about that in Chicago....


Hank said:
Don't tell my wife I said that. She hardly ever gets on anymore anyway. Y'all should chastise her about that in Chicago....
Hank now your being bad. :D

Dave, you pretty much put it in a nutshell. Now, if Hank was a writer, he could write a book from this site. We have heard and swapped every subject one could ever imagine (well, almost). We have laughed and cried, applauded and booed. So much has passed through these boards and yes, I am sure some lives have been saved that we will never know about. And, Hank has hooked up a number of people - me and, and me and, and then there's me and., not to mention me and...........
For me, it is pretty simple -- I'm here because all of the rest of you were here. . .

I've learned a tremendous amount in a short time, and that has enabled me to go on about living my life even though I know there is some serious surgery in my future. The open, warm and caring sharing here has made it possible for me to live (should capitalize it -- LIVE) with the knowledge. Knowledge and comfort are priceless. Thank you all!
This website

This website

As Steve said, I am just waiting around for some serious surgery, but since I've been on this site, I have calmed down about the whole thing, and figure anyone with friends like you can climb a mountain! When my time comes, it will be a piece of cake, thanks to all of your stories and comments and suggestions. Sure have opened my eyes, and I am not near as scared as I was 3 months ago.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Re: This website

Re: This website

Peggy in Alaska said:
Sure have opened my eyes, and I am not near as scared as I was 3 months ago.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I knew it, I corrupted you. Now on to the next victim....Red Rover Red Rover let Christina L come over. :D
Well, I certainly don't feel like a victim, and you, Ross, are something else!
I have no idea how Hank had the idea to create this site (that might make a good post Hank) but I'm gratefull as h___ that he did cause he saved me a bunch of anxiety. In turn, I feel pretty good that some others have gotten a little more comfortable with their situation via my comments and I'm glad to pay my dues. This is one great bunch of people, and I'm awful glad I found you when I did. You're sorta like a big jar of peanuts - can't seem to leave you alone. Chris
Hi Chris-

You sure have helped a lot of people since your trek over the mountain.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again, the most recent valve surgery patients have had absolutely wonderful results and have come out of surgery sharp as a tack. The docs must be making many improvements which diminish a lot of the post-op fogginess and pain.
Thanks Nancy - You know how I feel about you. You always seem to understand the situation and say the right thing, and I'm glad you're here to be part of the support team. I'm pleased to be here, and more pleased to be able to help those that come upon us with fear and trepidation in their heart. If they can go into surgery with the same peaceful feeling that I did, then all my peckin at this keyboard is more than worthwhile. Chris
Hugs and Pats on the Back to All of You!

Hugs and Pats on the Back to All of You!

Hugs and pats on the back to all of you who have helped calm me down since I joined a couple of months ago. Whew! Where would I be if I hadn't found you, chewing my fingernails to the bone!

I can't wait to go for my check-up next summer! I won't be in the dark this time around. The poor doc will have my pre-surgery 3-ring binder [which I started since finding you all] to deal with! Question, one more question, please, doc?
I'm afraid if I congratulate him on a job well done, he won't come out and play anymore.

Chris you have never failed to amaze me. You've come along long way since you first arrived on the scene here. Hope you still have a bit of that silliness streak left though. I'm lonely without my evil sister to keep me in line. :D

Can you change my avator? Is that what it is called? I'm tired of the silly snowman, he's cute, but I'm bored with him. Can you scan some Northern Lights and paste them into my deal? Wave your magic wand and then it is done?
this is a life saver

this is a life saver

And it gives me something to look forward to each day I am here on this good earth.

BTW, Today is my 4th year anniversery of my heart valve replacement!!

Without this site and all my heart buddies here, i'm sure that my mental state would not be as good as it is.

Thank you Hank again for VR.COM