This Is Just Plain Wrong HeHe

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What a hoot. It cracked me up. I needed that today. This weather really has me depressed. My daughters softball has been cancelled, not that I was looking forward to sitting out in the cold. But they need to get games in. Thanks for the laugh. Peggy

I'm sitting in my office at work, logon to and start laughing hysterically. Thanks! I needed that! :D
Thank you ross, this brightened my day. I needed a laugh. martha


Tall one is called who's the other one that bites the ice??

Any ideas?


But I don't see any of THAT going on here!?!:eek:
But I don't see any of THAT going on here!?!
Ah young grasshopper, if only you were around not so long ago. Chris, Steve and I all made that look real and in real time mode. Perhaps we should return to those days? Things are getting bleak around here. ;)

Guys, I'm beginning to feel like everything is too serious and there is no laughter left. We need to do something about this issue!
Dam you ross

Dam you ross sides are killing me!!! LOL
I agree Rossman...

I agree Rossman...

....maybe it's time us guys set about toppling that Ya Ya regime of Sisters who gave you so much aggro a few weeks ago.

Seems like its a day for bringing down dictators.....huh?

Whatcha think?


Maybe you were not on line VR..when Ross was the Resident Nut:D And I was the Resident Nut's Therapist..:p :p Took many sessions to get that boy cured:confused: :confused: I finally backhanded him a few times to get his attention:p :p :p :p He fired me and I am just a nutty squirrel eating my peanuts. :p :p Bonnie
CNN news

CNN news

This one just in from CNN ---- After the shock and awe bombing of Bagdad, a group of Saddam's doctors called a meeting for all of Saddam's doubles. The chief surgeon made an announcement, he said: We have good news (Saddam is alive) and we have bad news (saddam lost an arm) Chris
Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Funneee Chris!

And Mr. Billy, Princess Pfatbutt is not a dictator. I leave those duties to my Sister Princess Cloudface...:D I mean, look what she did to Sister Mary Evangelist...
That really is funny but it reminds me of when I don't do what my wife tells me to.:D
I didn't connect that user name with you for some reason.
Havn't talked to you in quite a while, hope all is well with you.
So where is she.....?

So where is she.....?

Princess Cloudface is conspicuous by her absence.....has she escaped from our male coalition.....perhaps she has i-ran away.

Just ku-wait...she'll be along soon......

O man, is this gettin corny or what?
Lookeee there!!!

Lookeee there!!!

Hi guys!!! Janie, Billy,,,, who else is around?? Rich of course.

Good to see some HUMOR going on here. Thought I should check in, to let you all know I had not "checked out". ;) Just started reading, but will continue til I get sleepy enough to go to bed. GOOD to see your smilling faces, and now that I have a scanner, maybe I can figure out how to put mine on there!!

Can hardly wait to get caught up on all you guys, and check out the folks I don't know too!!

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