Things are definitely not looking up......

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I am so glad that you posted, you have been heavy on my heart for a few weeks now.
I will continue to pray for you and your husband and for God to give you all that you need during these tough days.
take care
Praline -

Praline -

I think I have come to the realization in the last five years that God didn't promise us an "easy" life - life is FULL of hardship and pain. We have to eek out the good and joyful times when we can.

However, that said, even though most people endure pain and suffering at some point in their lives, some people seem to get more than their share. I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers that God will give you strength for the day.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. YOU keep looking "up" even though things aren't looking up.

Blessings -

Christina L
Please keep coming to Chat if you can. I am so sorry that you are facing all these problems. My prayers are with you and God Speed.
I am also SO glad you posted as i have been wondering how your husband has been doing with the cancer bout. Wish i had some major answers for you but want to wish you positive prayers going your way!!Build up his immune system as best you can, stay away from sick people,have him stay as active as possible but not overdo,and enjoy the little things in life that get thrown to us daily. Laugh, and enjoy each other even when things don't go right! Many thoughts and prayers your way!!!!!!
Praline, you and your dear hubby are both in my prayers and good thoughts. Chemo and radiation are so hard on a patient; I was very fortunate to have sailed through mine many moons ago; my brother, who had lung cancer, had a much rougher time with chemo than I (of course, the cisplatin for lung cancer is a harder regimen than what's given for breast cancer).

I do hope he's able to fight off whatever's causing the spike in wbc's - really could just be hyper-sensitivity to the chemo. Hope you two have a nice Thanksgiving.

Stay in touch.
Praline, you already know that you have all my support and positive thoughts!

I am continuing to hope for the best for both you and your husband.
Thank you ..

Thank you ..

..for all the prayers and good wishes. John is about the same. We ar estill waiting for the results of the bone marrow biopsy.
I had an appointment with the cardiologist Monday. That went well.I wore a Holter monitor. It is being send for analysis. He is thinking of taking me off the coumadin since it seems that the Maze procedure took care of the AFib, no episode since last March.
I also had a yearly check-up with my Primary Care . I am waiting for those results.
So besides a VERY sore butt from that fall, I am doing okay.
Praline--you and your husband are both in my prayers. Please let us know how the bone marrow biopsy comes out. The waiting is so frightening.
So sorry to hear about your rough patch. Blessings. Things will smooth out.

We had very similar events in our family surrounding my OHS. Spouse with Kidney cancer on the hells of my recovery. Lost a close family member as well. It was hell on wheels. Our child was younger at the time. We had to explain to her that it was not really the "norm" for all of this stuff to be happening. She thought surgery and hospitialzation was just a way of life.

Hang in there.
LUVMyBirman said:
She thought surgery and hospitialzation was just a way of life.

Heh...for those of us who've had surgery since practically Day 1 of our life ... it DOES feel like surgery and hospitalization and visits to the doctor and checkups at the hospital are normal.....

Interesting perspectives for sure....

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