The ticking and the crying

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May all of your days have some happiness, some good cheer, and some heartfeld laughs and smiles. It is so nice to know that things are looking up for you. Remember the good feelings and recall them if days become more difficult. Seems to me that you have turned a corner and how have the prospect of better, and better days to come.
imhayley said:
Oh my goodness do I feel terrific!!!!!! TODAY marks my 6months post op. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO. Im sleeping like a baby (in the rain thanks to me new sound machine) and things are looking up. The anti depressant is working so good and I feel it. Ive already picked up all the presents my dogs left me in the back yard, then raked the entire back yard (boy was honey surprised when he came home from the store:D
Im sitting here smiling from ear to ear and I actually cant hear any ticking at this moment. I cant believe it.....its like day and night. I had a bad morning yesterday but pulled my head out and turned the day around. Thank YOU EVERYONE WHO POSTED HERE for me your so nice and supportive and gosh I dont know what else to do except put on some muzic and dance a jig in YOUR honor!!!!!!!!! Your all so very kind and IM FOREVER grateful!!! Happy Holidays and hugs to all!!!!!!!

My gosh, I could feel the smiles through my monitor.:D :D :D :D :D

Hang in there girl. Life is good, it really is. We are all here anytime you need a shoulder.

Now I've got to go find something to square my monitor screen back out.:D :D :D

Good Luck and,

May God Bless,



A million hugs to you and I couldnt have done it without any of YOU!!! Im truely grateful. Hope you all had a great day too!:)
A Fine Christmas Present

A Fine Christmas Present

:) Hayley, Now try to make a routine of the things that make you happy! I think you're onto something... Brian
Hayley -

Hayley -

Wayne and I have slept with a fan for years - I started Wayne on the practice of this and now he is addicted. He cannot sleep without his "white noise." It is a pretty loud fan and we set it across the room and of course it is not blowing on us. I can assure you, that you will sleep like a baby with a fan - that is IF the noise machine stops working for you. I am unsure really what a noise machine is. I'm just glad that you are sleeping well again.

Before I had my mitral valve repair, I was worried about the "what if's" of getting a mechanical valve and not being able to tolerate the clicking noise - I have a very thin chest wall and I know the clicking would have been very loud for me. I tend to dwell on things a lot and would have focused right in on that clicking - ask anyone around here at :) Anyway, you are so soon out from surgery - "this, too, shall pass."

Christina L
just like Disneyland.....NOT!

just like Disneyland.....NOT!

Well had some good days then an awesome day then a what the heck happend day. I guess I should just go with the flow instead of trying to swim upstream. I sleep great one night and lousy the next.....God grant me the serenity... amen. Thanks for all the posts and I shall hold on tight as the roller coaster ride just keeps going and going and going.:eek:
Hi Hayley, I have a mechanical mitral valve and I hear mine tick every night. If I breath through my nose and keep my mouth closed its quieter.. But if I have my mouth open I can hear it 'tick' and it seems so loud..

I think it seems louder now than it did when I first got it. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to the noise. At first I liked to hear it tick - now I don't. Sometimes I lay there and I just cry.. But, then I think well, I'm very thankful that I have it.

I have to tell myself its my 'friend' and it's there to help me. I thought about getting another 'sound' in the room to drown the ticking noise. I think it helps me to give mine a name as it seems more 'personal' and user friendly by giving it a name.. I call her "Judy" - short for St. Jude.

hi Marilyn

hi Marilyn

You are so right! This is a good way for me to practice being quiet because if I just shut me mouth I wont tick so loud HA!!! Gimme the duct tape!!!;)Thanks for your input and I hope you have a ticking New Year!!!:D


I wonder if Mitral valves are louder than Aortic valves?... Mech valves?... I never hear mine.....Imhaley..I worry that you are still hearing yours.after 6 months?I am 3 years coming up 4 years in 3 months...but cannot recall hearing mine after the first few months of healing. I did get a fan the first 6 weeks to drown the noise down..while sleeping..but I found that Tylenol PM helped a lot, too.:) .Sitting here typing..trying to hear mine.Nothing...:) ....No sound.Trying to hear it..Nope..:D ....Bonnie
My SO can hear mine and I have had others comment on my ticking but I don't hear mine anymore. However, I can't say just when I stopped hearing it. My St. Jude is quieter than my old Bjork-Shiley as I heard the BS valve until it was replaced. I also think I could hear the St. Jude more before I gained a few pounds. Maybe the sound has more to go through now.;) ;)
geebee said:
I also think I could hear the St. Jude more before I gained a few pounds. Maybe the sound has more to go through now.;) ;)
And mine has gotten louder since most of the swelling in my chest has disappeared. Or it's just Hayley making me more conscious of it:D
