The LiL one got a job!

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hi nicole!
such wonderful news about your new job!
good luck and please let us know how it goes.

i used to work on roosevelt avenue in flushing (not the best of neighborhoods) at a private school for severely and multiply handicapped kids_ i loved it. that's when i lived on hillside ave. in jamaica estates.
familiar with either of those?

anyway, wishing you all the best at work.
stay well, sylvia
I noticed you said you'd worked at a private school for multiply handicapped children. Did you ever see the videos "Feeding the Multiply Handicapped Child" or "Handling and Positioning the Multiply Handicapped Child"? My wife produced those several years ago in conjunction with the Rehab Hospital in Grand Forks under a federal grant. She still thinks of that as some of her most rewarding work.

With all the negative news these days, hearing about your new job just really cheered me let us know how you like it!

hey john!
i worked there from 1980 through '83 and then moved on to work in a resource room for the nyc public schools for a few years. i really loved (preferred) working with the multiply handicapped kids_ that's where my heart was. i taught classes for two years (many of these were kids that geraldo rivera "freed" from willowbrook) and then was moved into a supervisory position for infant evaluation/eligibility.
if your wife did those films that far back, i can assure you i must have seen them. it's been a long time and i don't recall exactly what films i watched.
i would love to see those films now though. are they available to the public? how did your wife get into that?
please let me know.
be well, sylvia
Those films were finished just before you started to work there. I believe they are still being used, and I believe they are available worldwide through the Vatican to hospitals, clinics and institutions(interesting role the Vatican plays, not known by many people).

My wife Deb has been a journalist and writer her whole working career. The first time I ever saw her, she was doing the weather on TV on Halloween dressed as a sunflower! Anyhow, she got into the role of multimedia director for the Rehab Hospital in Grand Forks while I was doing my biomedical/computer science studies at UND.

I remember going to pick her up after work. A walk through that hospital always reminded me how fortunate my family was...children with multiple handicaps continue to hold a special place in our hearts.

John -

Are you the John Cochran from Minnesota who was interviewed on Good Morning America the morning after the election?

Congratulations Nicole!
I'm so glad you'll be working for people who care about you!:)
thanks john!
that is such a cute story about the sunflower costume... i'll have to try and get a hold of those films sometime.
i think i'd get a lot out of them.
thanks for the info.
all the best, sylvia
Hi All,

Just wanted to update you all on the new job. I've already been trained for 3 positions and I was already promoted, So no more sitting behind a computer, I'm going to be a physical therapy aide starting Monday but no pay raise with the promotion. I get to wear scrubs which I think is great, no picking out an outfit for work everyday. I worked full-time this week and I'll be working about 25-30 hrs a week from now on. I really like the office and doctors I work with. My co-workers are a bit flaky but wht can you do??!! Thanks again for all the support and congrats. Take care all!!! :D
I just read your last post, and it immediately put a big smile on my face:D Promoted already!:D I am soooo happy for you--you truly deserve to have good things happening to you, and I bet it will continue. Good for you!!!

Shakin' those pompoms,
Hey Nicole!

Hey Nicole!

I'm a little behind in my readings here, but this is fantastic news! To have a job, and now hopefully a FUN one, where you're there working with people? Congratulations! You go girl! I'm really happy for you!

We had our surgeries around the same time, I think. I have a bumpy sternum with the wires sticking out. They don't really hurt unless you press on them, so I don't know whether to do another slice to get rid of them or just leave them be. I don't really want to mess with the scar, don't want it to look worse or (GASP) be higher than it is now!! Did yours hurt you? How is your scar now, compared to the original one?

Bonnie: No comment on the good-looking male valvers here, other than to say that there are a few of them, so I've noticed! And don't let Rosso bug you about shopping! My guess is that his wife buys all his clothes for him.... ;)

And Mara: I LOVE your hamster!! Really cute!!


Hi Jennie, Thanks for the congrats. I felt like I didn't have a choice to have the wires out, I was so thin after surgery (Less than 100lbs.) and every bra I wore irritated it and they were poking out so much that you could see them. They drove me insane, so I went back to my same surgeon and he cut about 5 inches (my scar is about 7in) and he started all the way from the top and then 5 inches down and right over my original scar, You can't tell I was opened twice. It's a little more red since it was starting to fade but I think it was well worth it. Same amount of time in the hospital as the OHS. 6 days, First day on Heparin, 2nd day procedure and then 4 days to get my INR to 1.9 and then released. But it wasn't so bad and if I had to do it over again I definately would. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do. Take care!


Hey Nic,

I remember when you had this done. I don't think I would need the hospitalization like you had, as I am not on Coumadin and only have the ONE valve. My wires are visible, they poke out, and the bra scene can be a pain when it comes to underwires. We'll see. I may wait until I see the surgeon again in five months, and get his take on it. Thanks for the input!

Happy news, Young'un. We all knew you would go up fast. Especially since you have such a sunny disposition. That is very important in all jobs but in health care matters, it is essential. And ain't it nice not to have to dress up for the job in street clothes for appearance's sake. And nevermind your co-workers. All co-workers are a little beyond.......I have made some of my best friends from co-workers. You will find a friend among them, I will bet. Best of luck in all you do. Love
Nicole I'm running out of congratulations pictures! Congratulations anyhow on the new improved position. Are you alright with 25 to 30 hours a week or did you want full time?

Jennie-It's a vicious circle out here- I pick on Granbonny-You pick on me- now lets see. Unfortunately, your correct about the wife. :(

I'm not a shopper. I go in, get what I need and get out fast! :D
Hi Nicole,

I read about you getting a job but I never got a chance to post and tell you CONGRATULATIONS! So there I said it. Now that I've been reading the updates, CONGRATULATIONS again! Thats so :cool: I knew you would do good too, You have such a warm personality. What a great job to have, helping people. You'll get use to your co-workers in time. Right now the job is new and you have so much your learning. Before you know it you'll find a co-worker you'll really click with(no pun intended!):D I'm really happy for you. Keep us posted. Take care and God Bless!
Rosso: You're right. I think it is one of my responsibilities in life to pick on you! Someone needs to keep you in line! Am I doing a good job??

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