The Humming Bird Nest..

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Hey Christina,
That is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies


Thanks alot for that. This year I have had a ton of hummingbirds. They are just so beautiful.
I have them, too, every year. They are fierce little ones - dive bomb each other all the time. One year I spotted a bumble bee among them. Just flitting among the rose bush branches, but others were close. A day or so Later, I discovered it was a baby one. In a week it was at the feeders. Amazing little birds.
Hi Christina - What super pictures - thanks for sharing them with us. I've gotta play devil's advocate - What makes you think this was Mom sitting on the nest. It coulda been Pop and Mom might have been down at the local pool hall shooting 8 ball and having a few brews ! :D Chris


I always use to use hummingbird nectar in my feeders but this year I just used sugar water and red food coloring. That seemed to work much better than the nectar, and cheaper too. They also liked the petunias this year. Next year I want to plant plants that will draw them and butterflies. We'll see what happens.
Hi Christina-

Now that is really something special! It made my day. We have some that love the red and white perunias on the deck.
That stuff you buy really is only sugar, water and color. My son'in'law told me the formula to make my own - 4 parts water, 1 part sugar. He never uses color. I use color for first filling each year to get their attention but I don't think they need it.

I have a friend who has a butterfly house - it's like a bird house (bigger) with slots in it. There are some plants (one of them the green plant stuff you find on your steak in restaurants) for feeding the caterpillars that become butterflies. They eat the leaves, but it doesn't hurt the plant because once they become butterflies the plants flourish with new leaves.


I also heard that you should tie a red cellophane (shiny) ribbon around your feeder. I didn't try this but it is also suppose to draw them.

We also have humming birds. Our feeder has a yellow plastic bottom and 5 red quarter sized flowers with holes in the center.
We use sugar and water successfully. There are also wild( the type you find at ocean beaches) roses, so not sure what the draw is . We see fights with bees? or yellow jackets once in a while.:)
Ram - now that you mention it. I have a huge 'seven sisters' rose bush near my feeders - the it blooms only once a year and is pretty much wild. I never fertilize or care for it - it just grows. Wonder if that draws them - that's where I spotted the baby hummer, right in there with the thorns.
What beautiful pictures! I feed all the birds and really enjoy the antics of my hummers. One year I had a total of 11 hummers trying to use a 5 port feeder. What a racket. I loved it!

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