This the 27th day of August 2008 in Columbia SC the Gadgetmans (Danny and Peg) and the Cookers (Tom and Sherry) met for dinner and a great time of fellowship, food and a little gossip southern style
... many of you may not know this but there is an unwritten Souther Baptist law that you can say anything about anybody as long as it is followed by "bless their hearts"
...We had great time ... what a blessing it is to put warm bodies with words and phone calls.... This has been particularly great year of first for Sherry and I ... We met Cindy and Wise a few weeks ago, Peggy and Danny tonight and the mini reunion in October will add more faces to friends made through the common bond of heart issues.
If you get a chance to meet a fellow don't pass it by ...
If you get a chance to meet a fellow don't pass it by ...