The count down..

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Active member
Apr 14, 2008
Brunswick, Georgia
Hi every one!

Well my count down begins my dear friends, two weeks until June 2nd (THE DAY). It seems that quite a few people are opting for early summer surgerys, Im not alone. I have managed to keep my nerves in tact up to this point, but its starting to become more real and fearful to me. I know its all going to be ok, and the only thing that keeps me sane right now is knowing how good its going to feel when I have all this behind me and my mind can be at ease again. Does anyone have any last minute advice? My real worry is going in the morning of, I am really worried about having a full blown melt down on the way there and when I arrive and wait. I really just want to be put out right away or as soon as possible. What are the chances of that? Will they give me something to relax me when I get there if a ask? (demand!) Also does anyone have any advice on how they kept calm the morning of, and while Im there and they are prepairing me for surgery? Thanks again! You guys are really the only other reason I have manages to make it this far with out losing my mind. I am so greatful.
We have all traversed this path before; some of us more than once but the fear is always the same! The only thing that kept me sane was prayer & just placing everything in the Lord's hands.

Ask or tell your doctor to give you something to calm you down. And you said it yourself, "the only thing that keeps me sane right now is knowing how good its going to feel when I have all this behind me and my mind can be at ease again." Keep focused on this!

Best wishes to you & my prayers are with you! :)
Im with you!

Im with you!

Hi again,
I think they will give something for the nerves ahead of time. I think i remember that last time, though it is hard to remember all the details, as it was over 10 years ago. I am two days behind you!
I remember fretting about it for weeks, then having a surgery date postponed for a month because of flu/cold -- but then going over to the hospital at 6 a.m. on the appointed day and being completely calm. It was kind of surreal, but there was a calm acceptance, kind of serenity. Many folks on here report similar experiences.

But by all means if you need something to calm you, tell your docs and they can provide.

Sending all best wishes to you as your countdown proceeds.
Billiejo, Surprisingly, I slept reasonably well the night before and got up at 4:45 to shower with their special soap one more time and wash my hair (thank goodness since it would be 6 long days before I could do so again) and walked across the street to arrive at the hospital at 5:30. At the Mayo clinic, there is a long line of people waiting to check in, all just as scared as you are. I struck up a conversation with the mother of a 17 year old who was having his pulmonary valve replaced so that took my mind off of me. Once I was checked in, it went VERY quickly...I felt like I hardly had time to say goodbye to my husband. After I changed clothes, they wheeled me to the area where everyone was getting behind one curtain, women, the other. They then gave me a pill to help me relax which didn't even have time to work because they took me right back. They didn't put in an IV or anything before they put me to sleep. I would say after check in to me being asleep was around 30 minutes. Nerves are normal...if you feel you need something just ask you Dr. for it. I did, there were times I really needed it and times I was perfectly fine without it.

You have got the gossip on the routine from those in the know...So now all thats left is to pack your bag and do something fun to pass the time. All the best for the 2nd.
Billiejo, just go with the flow. Trust the professionals. This is a unique experience for you, for them it's meat and drink, it's what they do and are good at.
In my experience a pre-med is given several hours before surgery. It is a mild tranquiliser and will take the edge off any skittiness.
I was amazing calm the day of my surgery. In fact, I drove the hour drive to the hospital with my wife. It felt kind of surreal. Once at the hospital, there was so much going on I didn't have time to worry. It was all over before I knew it.
As soon as they put an IV in you, they should start a valium drip. At least they did for me. All I can say is that it really took the edge off and I actually felt more curious than anything else. There is also a good chance (I know it doesn't seem like it now) that you will get pretty calm about the whole process in the last day or two before the event. I believe that your body and mind become fatigued with nervousness and worry, and at some point you switch over to just wanting to get it over with. Hopefully this will happen for you as well. may suprise yourself and end up calm when you go in for your procedure. I was a wreck 1 week before but when I actually got in the car to go to the hospital I think I realized I'd done everything I could to prepare myself, I had a great surgeon, and I knew statistically speaking that the chances of me NOT coming out of it were pretty slim. You sound as if your in the same boat.

Try to hang in there, two weeks will go by pretty quickly. Your gonna come out the other side of this and you will be amazed at how you feel emotionally and spiritually. Physically your gonna be slow moving but I bet your floating around on cloud 9 because not only will you be done with the surgery, your gonna have an completely new perspective on life in general.

Best of luck...
Ditto what all the others have said. I also felt a calm when I entered Mass General that morning. As they were prepping me, either my nurse or my DH sensed I was more agitated than I thought and she started me on either ativan or valium. I'm not sure which but I did feel calmer and was not overly tense or nervous when they wheeled me to surgery. Once there, they put me out quickly.

Everything you are feeling is like the rest of us. You'll do GREAT!!
I remember when my son was getting ready for surgery, they gave him something to calm him before surgery, he was only a baby but they didn't give us anything :eek:, all the best and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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