charlie b
Good morning all, visited my surgeon yesterday. We have set the date for March 23rd, a Wednesday. (I have been told that Mondays and Fridays are not good for surgery). Gives me 10 more days to take care of all of the chores that need to be done before I am out of circulation for a while. (pun intended). My wife and I had a great visit with the Dr. He showed us a life size model of the heart, showed us what needed to be done. Had a sampling of all of the most current valves for me to look over, gave me his stethoscope to listen to my heart, with the long "swooshing" sound, and then his 40 year old healthy heart. His comment was that very soon mine will sound like his. The book on this doctor is that he is very "competent and confident". I like that description for the guy that is going to be working on me. I asked him about over all body flexibility post surgery, he says after a year I should be back as I am today. Is that too optimistic? I am hoping to continue surfing and flexibility is pretty important. On another note, I have been taking advise from you folks. a) we went on a 10 day vacation, with friends, b) I treated myself to some new power tools for the workshop (Ross- I will to try to not chop off any limbs), c) we also bought a new lazy boy lounger for the sunroom. d) I have contacted friends from many different places and requested their prayers. With all of that done, now I will do my best to not obsess about the surgery, but project my thoughts and plans to future days of the good life. Thank all of you for your advise and support, as my first post said this forum is a GODSEND! ps. my cath and ct results were that the valve is the only problem, the arteries and the rest of my heart are in good shape, mine is a case of GOD heading me off at the pass before my condition became more serious. BLESSINGS, charlieb