The best time of year for surgery

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It has been mentioned that new internships start in July. But are those interns leaving a few months later, or staying for long time ? It looks to me that an intern would still be an intern - be it July or January :)

The new intern, residency and Fellow year starts in July, yes an intern in july will still be one in Jan, but by then they have a little more experience, than someone just out of medical school in the case of interns. Also since each year of Residency has alot more responsibility and is allowed to do more things, July is when they all are the least experienced in what they need to know to do their jobs. So a first year resident was an Intern just a couple weeks ago. YES there is a ladder and someone watching the people below them, but even that takes a little while to get everything running smoothly, since even the Fellows , who are pretty much incharge are new in July.
I didn’t have a choice, in March I found out I had a 5cm ascending aortic aneurysm (which was actually 5.2 at time of operation), after 3 months of tests, many doctors appointments, I saw my surgeon on July 5 Ten days later I was having OHS.

I had mine in July and everything went fine for me, (didn’t know about new interns, didn’t care, just didn’t want to risk rupture). However, July-August are hot/humid months in Michigan, so walking and recovery for me were all indoors (which wasn't that bad) but for that reason, July is not my favorite month for this type of surgery.

I picked a month that would work well with work and when the weather was good. Although it was unseasonable hot mid 90's in June in Atlanta, we were not accepting my family to visit for fear of catching something.
The absolute best day of the year to have AVR is the D-Day anniversary, June 6th, which coincidently is the exact, scheduled day for my surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. I personally would like the weather to be semi-extreme during my rehabilitation because I love being outside in nature in snowstorms, cold, wind and rainstorms because it's damned exhilarating!!!! For years I watched old people recovering from heart surgery trudging around the neighborhood....they looked tired and in pain.....I know, I know....wait until its my turn then I'll see, but for now I will talk tough.

Fortunately for me I live a couple miles from a section of the Cleveland, Ohio Metroparks so I have access to many, many miles of hiking trails and paved All Purpose Trails, the Emerald Necklace!
