The 2003 Reunion Location

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Hank Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
The 4th annual Reunion will be held in Chicago.

There were more votes for that (barely) then anyplace else and I made an executive decision to have it there. Both because we owe it to Perry for all the hard work he has put forth for us and also because we can't handle another one without Gina :)

It will also serve the easterners a bit better and there is a major airport there which should help to keep flight costs down a bit.

Dates are going to be decided in the coming weeks. Any suggestions?


Talk about making a lady cry:(.Feel honored you thought about myself, as I thought about you all throughout the weekend. Missed out big time! So thrilled to see you had nice visit. Did not expect anything less. Looking forward to hear all about it.

Chicago is a great pic for the next meeting! Not just saying that because I happen to live here. So much to do and see in the city. We will defiantly need to work on a 'group rate' for the hotel if the greater downtown area is decided upon. There are really not any bad choices so to speak downtown. Even the Holiday Inns are nice. Would be happy to help in any way you see fit. I am sure we could ask Perry and Lorraine to assist too.

Looking forward to it! Mid October can be chilly. Maybe the end of August to be safe? Especially if the guys are golfing! Which, looks like you can fully anticipate if Hank, Perry, Tracy and Bob G have anything to say about it. There's your foursome. We always have a few extra friends hanging around that would love to fill in:)
Right On!

Right On!

Like Gina, I appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Just let us know when. I will look forward to this for an entire year!

And, Mr. Hank, I hereby volunteer to take care of the planning for you and I'm sure Gina and Lorraine will join me. This will make our Chicagoland mini-reunions even more important for us. Any excuse for us to get together over a few cocktails is always good.

Greggo, loved your comment on the human sandwich. That's exactly what I felt in Nashville.

Hank, yes, setting a date for the end of August would probably be better. Perhaps you could give your "reunion committee" a clue as to budget per person? Greggo has already volunteered to go after some corporate sponsorship cash.

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Looking forward to the 2003 reunion! Hope to meet a "big bunch" of us. Congrats on the Chicago selection. What a great city!
"Click On !"
I love the idea that it will be in Chicago next year. I'm not sure if I will be able to attend anything other the night of the dinner. From about the 20th of August until September 5th is Orientation and Add/Drop time at the University I work at. I deal with a lot of students during that time for registration changes and permission slip classes. I do agree though that October would be way too cold. I came back yesterday morning to 35 degrees out where I live. Wouldn't be good short sleeve weather.

If Holiday Inn is acceptable I may be able to help. I have a sister who works for a Holiday Inn and anyone in her family can get a break on rates as long as it isn't around a major Holiday. I can check with her and see if that would apply, if I could get a group family rate. After all you are my family too. I'll check into it. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with and if anyone would be interested in Holiday Inn.

All I can say about the Vegas Reunion is it was wonderful! I met more wonderful people who I feel like I've known all my life. It is truly a heart warming experience to be at the reunions. Iwill will wait until Hank posts the pictures of the reunion to say more.
How about early August or mid September?

How about early August or mid September?


Like Lorraine, I have school issues the last couple weeks of August and first week of Sept. :( I need to be home getting my kids settled into school.

The Las Vegas reunion was absolutely awesome!! We missed you, Gina.. and the whole M-7 group, wish you all could have been there to enjoy this time together with the rest of us. We have the most wonderful people here on our site. And we even recruited a few more! :D Imagine our surprise when we found out it was the first day back at work for the lady serving our breakfast..... she had just had her mitral valve replaced! And Ron and Mary?s Aunt & Uncle!! I better hush until we see the pictures too... it was such a wonderful time being with everyone. Love you guys!! :)

I?m already looking forward to the next one.

We love you, Ross!

We love you, Ross!

You're just so darn bashful.... could you be a little more to the point? :p

Yeah, where are they?!@??

Yeah, where are they?!@??

It was 48 degrees out yesterday and I was playing pasture pool. We are more concerned about our thinner blooded Southern and Western brothers and sisters.

Perhaps Mr. Hank should post a poll for the best date selection.

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I didn't see any cameras flash!

I didn't see any cameras flash!


You tryin? to get me in trouble, girlfriend? :D I?m gonna bite my tongue and not even comment on ?a real golfer?s balls?! :p (You?re impressed aren?t you, Hank? :)

'Inquiring minds' shoulda been there.... :confused: There are NO x-rated pics of Miss Rain in Vegas!! :eek: I?m not quite so bold without you and Gina there.... Wait a minute.... there was that time in the bowling alley... :eek: And then the time on Freemont street when Joan and I were almost recruited as nude dancers..... :eek: Yikes! :p
I vote for Sept. 16th

I vote for Sept. 16th

Mine and John's anniversary:D :cool: Really that is a good time to travel. After Labor day and before leaf looking season..I know we'll be coming by motorhome. Evelyn? Other Easterners and Southerners may want to drive. Highways are pretty empty. Snowbirds not going South yet.:p :p :p Anybody got a 2003 calendar? Bonnie
Hi Everyone,

Chicago sounds like a fantastic place to meet next year!

I personally think that Oct will be rather chilly, and also that if Aug is cluttered with getting the kids ready for school, then How about a July date? I hear the summers in Chicago are wonderful, not too hot, nor too cool.

Perhaps we should take a pole as to what time of year is best suited for the majority of us to be able to attend.

Hey Hank, go figure, I am going out to Los Angeles afterall. Only thing is, theyt postponed it a few weeks. I'll be out there from Oct 25th through the 31st. Sure wish they held the original schedule, I would have taken the puddle jumper over to Vegas.

Hope everyone is doing well,

I agree, we need a poll for the dates Hank. There is always going to be some sort of conflict with a group this large. I know we will do our best to accommodate everyone!
'Inquiring minds' shoulda been there.... There are NO x-rated pics of Miss Rain in Vegas!! I?m not quite so bold without you and Gina there.... Wait a minute.... there was that time in the bowling alley... And then the time on Freemont street when Joan and I were almost recruited as nude dancers.....

Pictures dang it! I need pictures. :D Is that more to the point Rain?
Hi Everyone,

I just voted for late September. Rob, it would be great to see your smiling face. We are doing the ponytail thing next year, right? I chose late September only because this last late July, was hotter and humidor (is that a word?) than heck!:D You couldn't even stay outside long, and I love hot weather. It was the humidity that would get to you. Rod, what were you saying about Chicago, not being too hot or too cold in July? Once in a blue moon we get decent summer weather like that. Since I live here, I know our weather can be pretty unforgiving! :) Otherwise late July would have been a neat choice too, as long as it isn't the third week in Juky, because I co-ordinate and run summer exams for two days during that week. I would still be able to attend the dinner that Friday though, if thats the case. Lets just see what our final tally is. I agree with Gina, it will be hard to accomodate everyones schedule which is why I said whichever time is chosen of those two times would be fine by me. I might just have to miss being together with you all on Thursday if the third week in July was chosen because I would be involved with exams that evening.

Now Ross, patience. We must have patience! Hank will get the pictures up as soon as he can. Hope you can be at next years reunion. It would be great to meet you.

Hank! Wheres the pictures, dang it! Ross, did I say it right? Tee! Hee!

Now Rain, whats this about being almost being hired as nude dancers? You didn't tell me that story!:D And what happen at the bowling alley? Wish I would have made it in time to meet you all that night! Next year I won't have an excuse now will I? I too am really looking forward to the next one!:cool:
Hi Lorraine,

WOW, another whole year to grow for the compitition! It's already half way down my back... LOL... Well,not really, but it is over the collar of my shirts. Sure feels good to be back to the "old" me again. I still thank that cutting it all off to celebrate New Years 2000 caused my heart problems.. Cut it off, and lost all my strength. Crashed and burned just 2 1/2 months later.

Ohh well... Since then, things are looking bright!

Cristi was in Chicago 2 weeks ago. She likes to go shopping there. I know she will be happy to hear that next year selection is Chicago!

Hope your week is going well,
Family Scar Picture

Family Scar Picture

Now Ross, that IS getting right to the point! :p Those events are not documented with pictures! :D

You?re gonna have to get your ?inquiring mind? and your scar to Chicago next year and help me get a ?family scar picture'. This has proven to be a difficult picture to get!! Maybe if we begin preparing everyone right now, by the time Chicago rolls around we can ?pull it off?! :eek: lol Maybe we could even get our on-site professional to bring his cameras... I can just hear Billy?s Irish accent saying, ?okay, everyone pull up ye shirts and say ?CLICKERS?! Whaddya think, Mr. Billy? :)

Lorraine, we didn?t have nearly enough time together. :( I?m gonna vote for John & Bonnie?s anniversary. That sounds like it should work well for everyone. I hope I can make it.. I?m gonna try!!

Nude dancers? Weeeeelll.... JOAN, where are you?! lol Lets just say we declined and walked away with only a necklace. :p

And the Bowling Alley.... well, ummm..... Everyone should see Bill's!! But don't say anything about it's size!! :eek: Ron K. had me beat red and laughing til I cried!

Hey, Rob..... that?s Colorado weather you are thinking of!! Not too hot, not to cool in the summer. Everyone think Colorado 2004!! Come on, you guys will love it here. We could have a picnic in the mountains. Ride the narrow gauge train to Silverton, visit Mesa Verde, there?s lots of cool stuff here!

Would like to attend, but...

Would like to attend, but...

...I'll be back in college by late August, so I voted for late July (early August would be OK too). Can't afford the coinage to fly, and pops is already springing for most of the college expenses for both me and my brother, so I can't hit him for more, but Chicago is only a 7.5 hour drive, so it's probably the only one I could make (unless you eventually have one in Cleveland which is even closer!). I'll anxiously await the final decision.
Sampson ???

Sampson ???

Rob, Are you really growing the tail again ? Hope so, I know you've missed it.

Chicago is an excellent choice, Cindy and I will deffinately be there. I can not miss another reunion.

FYI, Even on Michigan Avenue is a fairly priced hotel. The Essex Inn. Believe it or not it is right beside the Chicago Hilton and has rates as low as $80.00 per night. Even I can afford that.....well maybe I should ask Cindy first......Dear??????

Billy, I am sure all would enjoy it if you would show your face next year. I would love to see you again.

Looking forward to next year.

Rob, I will be down your way in a couple months. How is your travel schedule for early next year? Will you be in town?

Take care all,
