Sweet Home Chicago!
Sweet Home Chicago!
Looks like the Vegas Reunion was an all-out success.
What happened to Gleason? Did Billy make it over the big pond? Didn't see their pix. Will hope they can make it to Chicago.
Gina, Lorraine and I will make sure there are plenty of activities to keep everyone occupied. Gina and I are already chilling down some Merlot and a few beers for Lorraine for a get together to chat about preliminary ideas.
OK, I'm an idiot, Zipper. Who's C-star? Greggo, you want to deal with the celebrities in addition to any corporations you want to chase? You know, it's not too early to start. But, don't let anyone upstage Hank! He will ALWAYS be our headliner!
Anyway, we would surely like to invite ALL vr.com supporters to Chicagoland next fall (survey/poll thus far says: late September). I believe we will have a marvelous agenda, and as always, have a guaranteed great time with old and new heart buddies.