That @#$& Cat!

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Lisa in Katy

My daughter went off to college and left her two cats at home, so now I have food and litterbox duty. So I go up to clean the litterboxes tonight. I get the first one clean and I'm starting on the second when the Siamese goes into the first to do his business. I finish the second and am sweeping the litter off the floor when he goes into the second! Guess he can't stand a clean potty and the other cat never has the privilege! :D
My cats are the same way. I swear they line up outside the bathroom waiting for me to come back out and then run in to use the clean pan.
We had the distinct honor to house our son's fiance's cat when they taught English in Korea for a year. Yes, he gave her the cat as a gift and then they both left for a year.

We got a litter box with a lid and put it in the kids' bathtub (empty nesters we are). The collateral mess was confined to the tub and doesn't have to get swept at often.

PS............. now that they are back, married, got a second cat........... and both cats use the same box. We're so very glad to have them back, but we miss the cat.
Years ago, against Pat's wishes, I got one of those litter boxes that runs a rake through the litter and cleans up the clumps, dumping them into a covered bin. It requires a bit of checking and the bin liner needs to be replaced once a week, but all-in-all, it's a lot less time spent with the kitty potty.

Best wishes,
I also bought one of the self cleaning litter boxes and I'm so glad I spent the money on it. Working full time and being so tired these days I don't have to worry about cleaning the litter box. Just emptying the bin when it gets full.
I also bought one of the self cleaning litter boxes and I'm so glad I spent the money on it. Working full time and being so tired these days I don't have to worry about cleaning the litter box. Just emptying the bin when it gets full.

If I got one, my cat would be so freaked over it, she'd stop using it and use the floor instead. You ought to see what she does to my printer when it runs!

We've had cats who did this, too. :D

Try this: Get an extra set of boxes (for when you wash the pans & change out litter). Have the clean set all fixed up with new litter. Replace the dirty boxes with the clean ones. Then take out the dirty ones for cleaning and have those ready for their rotation.

This way, each kitty has his/her chance at using a clean box.

It does mean a little extra $ for an extra set of boxes. But it's well worth it!

That's what we do. Or I should say, that's what my husband does. :D Except for when John had his MV repair, I have never done litter box detail in nearly 30 years of marriage. My friends are envious!
been wondrin about those self cleaners and if they work well. thanks for the recommendation. will look into one of them. our cats might not have a problem. we have one cat who goes outside every day because she doesn't want to go behind any of the others. smart cat.
I had a self cleaning little box but my cats ending up not liking it. The noise freaked them out. They would use it but it was apparent they were upset at the thought of it making noise while they were in it. They did not understand that it only did the cleaning once they left. I ended up throwing it away. However, it did work great so, depending on your cat(s), it might be worth a try albeit an expensive one if you end up not using it.
I don't think the self cleaning box would work because of the noise. I feel the same way about self flushing toilets! They use the boxes with lids so the litter is pretty contained, other than what they bring out on their feet (and what the dogs bring out when feasting on "kitty crunchies"!)
I don't think the self cleaning box would work because of the noise. I feel the same way about self flushing toilets! They use the boxes with lids so the litter is pretty contained, other than what they bring out on their feet (and what the dogs bring out when feasting on "kitty crunchies"!)

This reminds me of my dogs. We had one of those water bowls that have a big bottle of water that automatically fills the bowl when the level is lower. My big dog was drinking when it refilled and did the glug glug glug noise as the air was going in the water jug. It terrified him so much he wouldn't even walk near the bowl, so we ended up giving it to friends
Actually, the type of litter box I got was for "multiple cats." I believe in overengineering.

However, while it does make noise when it rakes, it has a sensor. It won't rake while a cat's in it, and waits 90 seconds after the cat leaves before it begins its cycle. The cycle isn't timed for a regular cycle: it's based on the cat entering and leaving the box.

Also cuts down on dogs who are tempted to fish little "treats" out of the litter box from time to time.

Best wishes,
well, I need one of those automatic kitty cleaner pans. I never thought I would own a cat, but when I moved into this new place the cat came with the house (unbeknownst to me). My kids took to her immediately and named her Junior. She is beautiful. Then my brother moved and asked me to babysit his two cats--then called me up and said he wasn't coming back and thanks for taking his cats. So now I have three-- and a golden retriever (who doesn't particularly care for cats). So we have three boxes throughout the house. A self cleaning box would be heaven. :rolleyes:
Actually, the type of litter box I got was for "multiple cats." I believe in overengineering.

However, while it does make noise when it rakes, it has a sensor. It won't rake while a cat's in it, and waits 90 seconds after the cat leaves before it begins its cycle. The cycle isn't timed for a regular cycle: it's based on the cat entering and leaving the box.

Also cuts down on dogs who are tempted to fish little "treats" out of the litter box from time to time.

Best wishes,

Can I ask what brand this box is? I read that some of them are too sensitive and start running before the cat leaves. Yours sounds ideal for an automatic litter box.
Ross, most dogs are coprophagous, when it comes to cat leavings. I've read that it's because cats leave a lot of protein in their droppings.

Although our dogs know we don't want them to do it, they like to have lives of their own, to which we're not entirely privy. I believe that as far as this abberation, they think that what we don't know won't hurt us. They don't realize the flecks of litter on their chin give them away.

Reading aside, I am certain it leads to attacks of canine bad breath that can produce as many tears in a human as a freshly cut onion.

As far as why from the litter box: I think the litter crumbles add a satisfyingly crunchy coating to it, with a piquant citrus accent. I think they also like to pretend that the litter bin is a take-out box.

As for the question about the box itself, the one we have is a LitterMaid multicat, self-cleaning litter box. It's about seven years old. I understand that for some years in between then and now, they cheapened it a bit, with unsuccessful results, but that they have brought the base quality back to the acceptable range recently. As I said, ours is seven years old, so I don't know the real status of the brand's current quality.

Best wishes,