That @#$& Cat!

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My friend's boxer helps clean up the "cow pate" around their ranch. Now that is definitely disgusting! :eek:
...and there can be no pretense of protein in the bovine contributions. It's just a sick side of our friends that would be best kept from us at all costs.

Somewhat horrified,
My pug Sandy will eat cat poop! It's the most disgusting thing! I can't even let her out in the back yard any more, because of the same thing.

We have two cats, courtesy my son. We keep one litter box, for both (the kind with the cover) My husband wants to keep the litterbox downstairs, because it's easier to clean in the AM before he leaves for work. Well the dog spends most her time in the kitchen, but we have to be very careful about the litterbox, and the cat food. She will get into both, if we're not careful! I would much rather keep the cat stuff, upstairs. My husband is nice enough to take care of the litterbox though, so the location will not be changing any time too soon.
Totally disgusting, but apparently healthy! I found this online.

"Dog eats feces of horses/cows:

The feces of farm animals like horses, cows and pigs is naturally attractive to dogs. Some really love it, some aren't attracted to it. Most dogs enjoy eating and/or rolling in the feces of large animals. It is the least dangerous health-wise of all the coprophaegic habits a dog can have in regards to disease transmission and parasites. If your dog does this, you have a few options.

You can put up with it once in a while. Horse and cow poop actually contains many natural probiotics that are extremely beneficial to a dog's digestive system. The occasional ingestion of feces from a horse or a cow is actually GOOD for your dog. (I would avoid deep kissing him for a few hours afterwards). :p

You can teach your dog the "off" command, and supervise him when he's around the feces. Then tell him "off" when you see him going for it.

You can keep your dog on-leash to totally prevent him getting into it."
I wound up starting off with the TidyCat Breeze system (2) for my kitties. It uses pellets (some sort of mineral). Didn't like the pellets at all - wouldn't stick to the solid material. The Breeze itself it grated and the liquid goes through and onto a very absorbent, odor controlling pad under the grate in a pullout drawer. After reading some other reviews, I ditched the Breeze pellets and the pad but kept the boxes. Opted for Feline Pine. LOVE IT!!!!! The pine pellets break up as the kitties dig around in it - leaving sawdust behind. It sticks to the solids. The sawdust goes through the grate onto the drawer and it soaks up the liquid. Works very well at odor control. Very little tracking. My cats love it (but they did start out on pellet litter so some adjustment time would be necessary). The best part? - Flush it all down the toilet:D
Gosh, I thought I had an iron stomach but this thread has tested its limits. We fenced in an outside area (about 10x40) with access though a cat flap from the garage and a cat flap to the garage from the kitchen. I have two litter boxes in the garage for during inclement weather. Half of our "kitty courtyard" is sand and that is the cats first choice. It made the garage into a very expensive hallway but I rarely have to clean any little box.

Marsha, give your husband a big hug! I don't think my husband has ever cleaned a litter box!
re: coprophagia -- Our dog did that. So our veterinarian Rxed a pill that made it no longer appetizing. Sandy's been gone nearly 13 years, so I don't remember what it was. But it sure worked!

Marsha, give your husband a big hug! I don't think my husband has ever cleaned a litter box!


My friends want me to clone him......
If I got one, my cat would be so freaked over it, she'd stop using it and use the floor instead. You ought to see what she does to my printer when it runs!

You too Ross!. Smokey goes ballistic when my printer is running. One day he attacked it head on and punctured about 5 sheets of printed paper in the holding area:eek:

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