Thanksgiving..Xmas Fund for

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I have no clue to how this web site stays on the I would like to start a Thanksgiving..Xmas Fund....If Hank is willing to put up his address..and start a fund raising..poll..but let's call it something else..Like "We Love Our Site Fund"...Mail Hank whatever you can afford..$1.00 to $100.00..whatever..Let's shoot for $500.00 by Xmas. Hank can start the running poll.......What do yall think? Bonnie
We have many things to be thankful for!

We have many things to be thankful for!

Yes, I think this is a marvelous idea.

I have Hank's address and it is:

Hank Eyring
1947 S. Roca
Mesa, AZ. 82504

Tucson, AZ
I think it's a great idea too!

Do we make our checks out to Hank or the "Fund"???
You can donate any day of the week using paypal, if you trust paypal and have an account. Hank has a link to it on the front page.

Scroll about half way down or so and look for the visa/mastercard logo that says donate.

I personally, don't use paypal and would rather send a check or money order, but I do think we should get Hanks opinion on what he'd like to do. ;)
Yes, We should wait for Hank

Yes, We should wait for Hank

I like to donate during the Holidays ..Salvation Army, ect. and this being a very Helpful Web Site I would like to donate to it..but rather do it by check..So, will wait and see what Hank would like for me to do..:) Bonnie


Instead of donating to a "V.R. Com" fund, why not collect and donate to Christine Mayhew, one of our members who is impoverished, on welfare, with two small children and is trying to eek out a living on $311 per month.

In the past (some of you might remember) we had collected $$ for Christine and even set up an account for her, bought her a laptop (which her ex-husband has stolen from her).........Her family does not help her and her medical condition remains severe.

Personally, I try to stay in touch with Christine and help her out as best as I can, but since this forum is one to "help others" as Hank has always said, I propose we start a fund for Christine.
Do both

Do both

Bob..Put your address up and those who would like to could send you money..maybe to buy her kids some Xmas presents...Bonnie:) :)
$$$ For Christine

$$$ For Christine

Christine uses a brokerage account that I had set up for her. Its with the same brokerage firm that I worked for and continue to use. A very close friend manages the account for Christine for free.

If anyone wants to contribute to Christine, I can deposit your checks directly into her account.........

My address is:

9 Stephen Drive
Princeton, New Jersey 08540

My email is [email protected]



Hello All,

I am in full support of danations to Christine and/or donations to

It's good to hear from you Bob my friend.

If you would like to donate to, the address Christina posted above is correct. Any dobnations should be made out to ""

If you would like to donate to Christine, I know she is in need and is definately a worthy cause. She is a friend of the site from way back and many of us have held her in our prayers. The info Bob has posted will see that any donation gets to her.

Bob, thank you for thinking of Christine and for reminding us of her need.
Other donations and contributions

Other donations and contributions

Hi All:

Good to see you Bob Gleason.
For people like us who seem to run out of money before they run out of month, there are many ways to contribute in the community that cost little. I'm collecting stuffed animals for the Domestic Violence Shelter. I contacted several of the churches in my area. Their parishoners are also collecting for me. When I get the used stuffed animals I do minor repairs and them wash them in my washing machine. The results are great. Most of the old things we have around the house can find a new home at shelters and sometimes chruches. And, remember the Veterans. The Veterans' Hospital is always in need of reading materials of all sorts as well as cancelled postage stamps. We have a Children's Crisis Center that can use cardboard tubes from toilet paper or paper towels as well as small containers with lids for art projects. There are so many other ideas for turning our trash into treasures for those in need. Something to think about....
Kind Regards,
Something for your donations?

Something for your donations?

I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in a fundraiser effort. This year's t-shirt fundraiser was a success and we helped Hank make a major payment to the service provider.

Note: there were over 25 teeshirts and sweatshirts that didn't sell and I turned them all over to Hank. If you're interested in a shirt in return for your contribution ask "da man," Hankypoo himself about them. Not all sizes are available. Perhaps one of these shirts would make a good gift?

count me in for both.. and Christine.. will send out both checks with in the week.. i'd also be interested in any t-shirts if still available in size xl.. i heard ya'll talking about them previously and was always courious about them.. if there are any left.. please let me know..
