Thanksgiving Plans?

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I was hoping to have it at one of the boys places, but it's not to be, so here I am, making pumpkin pies and cornbread today. 12.5lbs of turkey to cook for tomorrow along with yams, mashed potatos, gravy, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce and salads. Guess the guys are bringing their women and were having it here.
Bubba an' th' old lady a gonna be chowin' down next dore at th' sister-in-laws fo' th' trimenjus feed.

I'll probably git t'walk some of it off he'pin' git th' deer outta th' woods fo' mah Nephew an' his boy. They done got two already, a spike buck an' a 5 point.

Gotta wawk Friday, dang it all.

Happy Thanksgiving and BE SAFE!!!

Bubba :)
Turkey day

Turkey day

We are cooking a late dinner and all the kids and their families are coming over. I am so excited,we are having a month old guest. My grandson's girlfriend had a baby boy last month (he says that he is not the father, but I guess the baby looks like him.. Been a long time since we had a baby in the house. The older kids, 3 10 yr olds and one 8 are going to bring their Guitar Heros and have a battle of the bands. Should be loud and nosy. My grumpy husband will be going nuts with all the noise. Give him something else to crab about. You all have a wonderful holiday.
My husband and I just bought our first home back at the beginning of September... Now suddenly I'm hosting Thanksgiving at my place! Unfortunately, Nathan will be at work. But there will be my grandparents, my dad and his wife, my aunt and uncle, and my brother and sister-in-law. We'll be a full house! I'll be cooking the turkey for the first time tomorrow. Stuffing it tonight (though I know they say you shouldn't, we have for years and years). I'm kind of excited! :D
Chris and I always spend a quiet Thanksgiving enjoying selfish time together. It seems like there is so little time these days. We visit a small restaurant that we have been going to for the 19 years we have been together.

Then we have friends coming to visit us on Friday for the weekend.

I would also like to send my love, hugs and prayers to all of our VR families who are spending their first holiday season without a special loved one. Remembering my parents passing and how tough the first holiday season was without them, my heart goes out to all of you.

Best wishes to everyone for a perfect and happy Thanksgiving.
Let's see....

Thanksgiving Day ... I'll probably sleep in a bit, get up to watch the parade a bit, and them shower.

Have to be at my sister's mother-in-law's home by 12:30 for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Then, hopefully, home by 5p or so ... finish writing out directions for my road trip ... pack ... and check the boards one last time before heading on the road bright'n'early Friday morning ;).

Hmmm....yet, somehow ... it doesn't even FEEL like Thanksgiving, let alone Thanksgiving Eve.....



Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Count your blessings now 'fore they're long gone" ... Pink ... 'Who Knew'

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