Thanksgiving Family Shots

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Karlynn said:
Do you hand piece or use a sewing machine. i wish I had the patience to quilt, I've made a few - but I'm a "do it and get it done now!" crafter.:eek:

Is it going to be a turtle??
Yes it is! Yea, it's recognizable! :D I'm especially proud of it because I made the design myself. I'm so close to being done with the turtle. I've done the arms, legs, head, and tail. Just have to cut the back and batting and put it together. I can't wait to have in finished! :D

I don't do hand quilting. I'm a machine girl through and through. Once I had to hand applique about a billion "books" onto a bookcase wall quilt I made for my aunt. Never again!

Oops. Sorry. I didn't mean to take this thread off in another direction. That quilt was just the closest I got to my nephew over the break. But I get to see him for Christmas at least! :D He's growing so fast!
Please post a pic of the finished turtle. Your nephew has a wonderful auntie!
Hi Everyone.

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

I thought I would share a pic of me and my boys. It wasn't taken on Thanksgiving but it was taken over the weekend.

Take care and it was great seeing everyone's pics.

BTW, Karlynn, you do look too young to be a grandmother! :)

Just precious Jennie - both you and the kids are very cute!!!!:D

I'm sure your Dad and Mom just love having them around.
Karlynn said:
Please post a pic of the finished turtle. Your nephew has a wonderful auntie!
I'll post a pic tonight when I get home. I finished it this morning! (I couldn't wait and got up a little early so I could finish it before leaving for work. I've been showing it off. :D ) I'll also post a pic of the cutie I did it for. The last pic I have of him is from October, unfortunately :( .
Very Cool!

Very Cool!

When I was a kid, my grandmother gave us two tiger blankets. The head was a pillow. I loved them. I'm sure the turtle will be a real treasure! Brian
Well I worked on Thanksgiving so I missed the family gathering at my sister's house in Greensboro, NC, but plenty of leftovers were sent home for me. I did take one picture over the weekend. This is a picture of the 26th hole me and my best friend played on Saturday.

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