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Before this goes any further, all please read my statement in the now closed small talk thread in the support forum.
well I was just going to post and the door got shut. So I will say it here.

When the new VR format was opened, what was said about Small Talk was 'this is where you can post whatever you want'. IMHO Small Talk is glue that holds much of our site together because of the personal part of it. Through Small Talk, we have become friends and family and it's the reason so many have joined. They found the friendly comraderie they needed to get through the awesome journey they had begun. And yes, many don't have a real reason to seek info anymore after their lives have been saved, but continue to stay because of that very comraderie. Thanks, Hank.

I'd sure hate to be your email box (Hank & Ross) just now. Bet it's gettin fatter by the instant.:eek:
hensylee said:
I'd sure hate to be your email box (Hank & Ross) just now. Bet it's gettin fatter by the instant.:eek:

Thank-You Ross and Hank........dearly

I think a clear and simple motto (and I'm as guilty as anyone) should be......
"if you can't say anything nice (or supportive in our case), don't say anything at all".

This is just my 2 cents worth
Thanks again for reinstating "Small Talk"
Since suggestions were requested, I will just request that Small Talk stay as it was/is - see Ann's post. There are quite a few of us who come here to help others. In addition, we stay in touch with each other through Small Talk. We enjoy photos, family talk, pet stories, travel plans, etc., etc., etc. I think keeping Small Talk as it is would be a tiny price for to pay for all the help provided.

As Ann pointed out, many of us are no longer here for medical help. We have had our surgeries and are here mainly to help. If we took our personal stories (that live in Small Talk) elsewhere, perhaps many would not even post on anymore. That would be sad indeed.

Now, I am sure there are a few reading this that would take the last line as a threat and, let me state very clearly, it is not. I am merely stating a possibility we would not want to happen.
My heart-felt thanks, Hank and Ross. I appreciate you guys reconsidering and restoring Small Talk.

I guess we really are like a family here. Even at a Happy Thanksgiving table, we can start arguing and then throwing drumsticks and sweet potatoes at each other. :D :D :D Thanks for having the wisdom and good grace to be peacemakers. :) :) :) Blessed are the peacemakers.

I gather the move of the weight loss/exercise/nutrition "Throw Down" to Active Lifestyles is now permanent. That is fine with me; it's a good place. I will do my best when I contribute there to offer what info and encouragement I have in a spirit of good cheer.

I hope the whole family will now come back together. All families have their disputes. This one is too important to have irreconcilable differences. :)
Hang on.....I'm digging in my purse for another 2 cents.....ok, got it.

Small Talk was just perfect the way it arguments, no insults.

Now really, who can't help but smile and be happy while looking at someone's adorable baby pic, or someone's incredible nature photos, or sharing a silly story.....Small Talk is an important space for relaxation, sharing, and sheer pleasure.
geebee said:
Since suggestions were requested, I will just request that Small Talk stay as it was/is - see Ann's post. There are quite a few of us who come here to help others. In addition, we stay in touch with each other through Small Talk. We enjoy photos, family talk, pet stories, travel plans, etc., etc., etc. I think keeping Small Talk as it is would be a tiny price for to pay for all the help provided.

As Ann pointed out, many of us are no longer here for medical help. We have had our surgeries and are here mainly to help. If we took our personal stories (that live in Small Talk) elsewhere, perhaps many would not even post on anymore. That would be sad indeed.

Now, I am sure there are a few reading this that would take the last line as a threat and, let me state very clearly, it is not. I am merely stating a possibility we would not want to happen.
Ok gang, this is not negotiable. If you want small talk to remain and as is, don't let me catch you spending all your time in here and not out helping on the other forums. You know who you are that do this. It stops now. Newbies come first, birthdays and all else secondary. I'll save the rest of my speech for when things are hashed out completely.
RobHol said:
I guess we really are like a family here. Even at a Happy Thanksgiving table, we can start arguing and then throwing drumsticks and sweet potatoes at each other. :D :D :D
Just don't pull on my wishbone or I'll knock your block off.
Thanks for restoring Small Talk, Hank and Ross.

Thanks for restoring Small Talk, Hank and Ross.

I've stuck around after pretty much recovering from my OHS as this is a great place to give something back by providing anyone (the newbies as well as the oldies) with information, advice, insights, and support on valve replacement/repair challenges as they surface. That said, I do treasure the providing of information and support coupled with the comaraderie of getting to know some of the personalities behind the posts. This is a wonderful site and I'm thankful for its existence.
WayneGM said:
I've stuck around after pretty much recovering from my OHS as this is a great place to give something back by providing anyone (the newbies as well as the oldies) with information, advice, insights, and support on valve replacement/repair challenges as they surface. That said, I do treasure the providing of information and support coupled with the comaraderie of getting to know some of the personalities behind the posts. This is a wonderful site and I'm thankful for its existence.
Wayne you have no idea how dull this would all be without somewhere to talk with your forum friends. I've been to some places where everything was on a professional level and believe me, you'd might as well be at the Doctors office. I mean down to the language. NO HUMOR NO JOKING NO NONSENSE and really really boring. Lets not make it that way here.
Ross said:
Ok gang, this is not negotiable. If you want small talk to remain and as is, don't let me catch you spending all your time in here and not out helping on the other forums. You know who you are that do this. It stops now. Newbies come first, birthdays and all else secondary. I'll save the rest of my speech for when things are hashed out completely.


Dang Boy, Now pull in them reins a bit. Fust yo' tell us eff'n we ain't got nothin' nice t'say, then doesn't say nothin'---then yo' TASK us wif th' requirement, no, make that obligashun, t'make sho'nuff we does some postin' elsewhar. :confused: :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :p

Life so does git complicated at times. :confused: :eek:

Bubba :)
I also want to say thank you for bringing back small talk. I was in a real panic, I must say.

And I hope we're not going to be put on restriction if we don't post X number of times in various forums. Sometimes I just don't have anything new to add to a thread. There are so many other people that are on all the time and I don't get a chance to speak up first. Rather than say "me too" I figured I'd save the bandwidth.
I just wanted to thank our male members..who post so much..many I see everyday..others at least.once a week....Waynegm..who just joined 1 1/2 years ..has posted 1, that short time. ..Others like Robhol.with 1,607 posts..Cooker with 2,119 posts and Bubba.. with 1,396 posts...Wise, too.....I thank you guys for being very active....on a weekly ..posting...Other male members ,too. who post...on an active timeline...Know you guys are busy..with your jobs, I thank you when you post.You guys are the Best.:D Putting up with us Girl members.:p Ross, you are the number one male member..what would we do without you..:D .Bonnie


Don't know what I missed, but will say I count all the previous posters in this thread as my "online family". I love that we can meet here, and talk about anything. Brian

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