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Karlynn said:
Exercise and physical activity is a big contributor. I must confess that I have been a VERY bad girl this summer. I have not made it to Curves to work out since the middle of May! My dosage has gone down from 10/day to 9/day and I know it's because I'm not exercising regularly. I will be starting up again - honest! And I'm sure I'll need to raise it again.
Come here baby, I'll give ya work out! :D
Hi all,
Another brief update:

My INR this week was 1.9!!! I was still taking the same dosages of Coumadin (15 mg Mon, Wed, and Fri; 12 mg on Tues, Thurs, Sat, and Sun). I just do not understand why my INR level will not stabilize. They are now having me take the 15 mg Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat; 12 mg all other days. This is very frustrating! Help!

Thanks for letting me vent...I needed that! :(

Five months is getting a little long to not be stabilized but sometimes it happens. Moving your dose up slowly and not jiumping around up and down is the systematic way to get to the right dose.

My guess is you're needing more and more warfarin to get you there. You may be less sensitive to it, thus need more. Some people are like that, particularly younger people.

Some people do take a while to stabilize. I remember an acquaintance asking me maybe 4 months post-op if my INR had stabilized. (Friend's mother had had MVR, mechanical, so she was somewhat familiar with warfarin & INRs.) I had finally gotten an INR in range and was celebrating. My next INR was too low -- I was needing more.

You may be building a case for home testing....
Me again! I just received a voice mail message from my cardiologist informing me that my INR was 4.1 today. He told me to at least hold tonight's Coumadin dose and call the office in the morning for further instructions. Does this sound right? I was having problems with my levels running low in the past and skipping a whole dose scares me. I would be skipping 12.5 mg tonight. Help.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Don't skip a dose for a 4.1!
If you need to make an adjustment, try dropping the 0.5 mg and just taking the 12 mg. However, you won't be able to see the effect until about Saturday. 4.1 INR is not high for a valver! It's actually w/i the error tolerance if your target is 2.5 - 3.5.
I have statistics from my clinic showing very little risk of bleeding if the INR is below 5.

If someone takes 12.5 mg daily, they do so because their enzymes metabolize warfarin very rapidly. Holding a dose for an INR of 4.1 is almost guaranteed to put your INR below 2.0 tomorrow.

If the cardiologist discovered that he was driving 41 in a 35 zone, would he throw the transmission in reverse to slow down.

Which would you rather have a bloody nose or a stroke?

I rarely hold a dose for an INR of 4.1 when the person is not bleeding.

Generally I would have the person take the same dose and check the INR again in two weeks.
Thanks Al,
I am going to follow your recommendations. I would rather be high than low. I wonder what he was thinking? I guess I will find out tomorrow.

Thanks goodness we have you!!!

Thanks again,
Your in the ball park now. I certainly wouldn't hold for 4.1. If it continues to be high, but not over 5.0, then maybe reduce the overall weekly dose by 10%and retest in a week.

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