New member
I am happy to have known this forum. Thanks to anyone who will write me.
I am 48 years old and have two children young enough not to understand what is a bicuspid aortic valve with severe moderate stenosis.
The intervention will be carried out in the coming months. A surgeon asked me to do a contrast CT scan to check for enlarged aorta. I’m waiting to get it done and decide how soon to operate.
I spoke with the two cardiac surgeons in Italy who routinely practice the Ozaki technique.
One of the two recommends the Ozaki for the quality of life that I would have for a while, the other the on-x mechanical valve to avoid further interventions.
Looking to the future with the Ozaki, I would repair the valve and approximately after 10/15 years I could do a TAVR with valve replacement (which is less invasive than an open heart operation), but it will last about 10 years. At that point I should hope that in the meantime they have found a less invasive solution for an additional operation (for my age at that time).
I know that the guidelines recommend mechanics, but I would like to have at least 10 years of life when not sick (hopefully more).
I have great difficulty in accepting the idea of a mechanical valve because it would condemn me to continuous anxiety for:
- risk of injury (even if statistically significant injuries are few)
- impossibility of treatment in various parts of the world (for lack of antidote) I love to travel,
- forgetting to take the pill,
- blood test once a month.
For these reasons I am oriented towards an Ozaki technique but if they open and find it is not feasible (because I had pericarditis in the past without knowing it) then I must have already chosen a second option.
And I am very much torn because at that point it would make more sense to put the mechanics.
Please tell me what is your experience? Thank you.
I am happy to have known this forum. Thanks to anyone who will write me.
I am 48 years old and have two children young enough not to understand what is a bicuspid aortic valve with severe moderate stenosis.
The intervention will be carried out in the coming months. A surgeon asked me to do a contrast CT scan to check for enlarged aorta. I’m waiting to get it done and decide how soon to operate.
I spoke with the two cardiac surgeons in Italy who routinely practice the Ozaki technique.
One of the two recommends the Ozaki for the quality of life that I would have for a while, the other the on-x mechanical valve to avoid further interventions.
Looking to the future with the Ozaki, I would repair the valve and approximately after 10/15 years I could do a TAVR with valve replacement (which is less invasive than an open heart operation), but it will last about 10 years. At that point I should hope that in the meantime they have found a less invasive solution for an additional operation (for my age at that time).
I know that the guidelines recommend mechanics, but I would like to have at least 10 years of life when not sick (hopefully more).
I have great difficulty in accepting the idea of a mechanical valve because it would condemn me to continuous anxiety for:
- risk of injury (even if statistically significant injuries are few)
- impossibility of treatment in various parts of the world (for lack of antidote) I love to travel,
- forgetting to take the pill,
- blood test once a month.
For these reasons I am oriented towards an Ozaki technique but if they open and find it is not feasible (because I had pericarditis in the past without knowing it) then I must have already chosen a second option.
And I am very much torn because at that point it would make more sense to put the mechanics.
Please tell me what is your experience? Thank you.