Good but sad story of the spirit of human desires
PRAY ON my friends
Good but sad story of the spirit of human desires
PRAY ON my friends
the bionic bridehouston we have a heart!!!! Ally recieved a heart transplant this afternoon. Drs. Says she is doing extremely well after the transplant. New heart is beating on its own & everything is progressing well. Her family should get to see her later tonight. Thanks so much for all the prayers.about an hour ago
'God has answered': 'Bionic bride' recovering from heart transplant
Mike Babineaux sent TODAY this photo of Ally preparing for her heart surgery.
Updated Feb. 9:
Ally Smith Babineaux, the 23-year-old newlywed dubbed “The Bionic Bride” for her struggle against a rare heart disease that was treated by a revolutionary heart pump, is recovering from a successful heart transplant surgery performed yesterday.
This was a note sent to TODAY by her parents:
"Today is a wonderful day. Allyssa's surgery is down to just the cleanup work. Dr. Frazier has come out and told the family that everything went very well.
"He said the most difficult thing they encountered was trying to find an artery in her leg to connect into the heart/lung machine. That is a very minor problem. He said she received a beautiful heart and it is already pumping the blood through her body.
"Please pray for the family that lost a loved one in order to make this miracle happen.
"Allyssa will go to the critical care unit tonight and they will take her back into surgery tomorrow to clean her up and remove the pump. They don't like to waste time on removing the pump today.
"They will close her chest tomorrow. The hard part is over with. There is no doubt that God was in that operating room today.
"The heart that was taken out of Allyssa was huge. No wonder she was always complaining of pain in her chest. There was very little room for pump.
"This day could not have been as successful without the prayers performed by all of her family and friends. Once again God has answered."
The Bionic Bride Ally got out of surgery around 7:00 pm last night. The surgery went well and she had a good night last night. They removed the vent this morning. She looks good and wiggled her feet as a message she wanted her feet rubbed - a really good sign for her family. There is a possiblity she will be moved to ICU tomorrow.
Ally had another good night. She is still in a drug induced haze. They are trying to stablize her blood pressure and then possibly move her to ICU later today. It is truly amazing to see her monitors show a heart beat with no PVC or VTacs. Please keep the prayers coming for her recovery. For all other LVADers - we continue to pray for you as well. Hope everyone else out there is doing ok.