Tenndon checking in...

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Wow!! What a two weeks this has been. Y'all have been pretty well filled in on the big details. I will fill y'all in on others later.
I first have to say thanks for evey prayer or thought that was directed our way. It is only through the grace of God that I can type anything today.
I am still in the hospital but am finally losing fluid and feeling better.
Will have bettter connection once home. I just wanted you to hear straight from this chance. See you ASAP!!

Peace of Christ,
It's good to hear from you. I'm sending along my hope that you have a speedy release from the hospital and are soon posting from home!
Thanks for checking in Don. We hope all the bumps are behind you now and you get released soon. Best wishes!!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I hope you are able to post again soon.
Great to hear that you are doing better, please keep in touch, we've been concerned about you.

Best regards,
Good to hear that all is much better. Now - lose that fluid and get yourself home.;) :D
HI Don, glad to see you are doing better. I hope your recovery will continue and you get ''home'' very soon. Best Wishes.
Tap your feet together and repeat "There's no place like home, There's no place like home." :)
Don, glad to hear you're feeling well enough to post. Sorry about the rough trip you've had. Praying for your complete recovery.