talk about stressors...grrrrr

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I was supposed to have my annual exam for my valve on monday. All would have been great...had the day off and everything. Well, I was at work today, as I am every friday, and apparently when I got home, there was a message for me that they rescheduled my appointment for what other day than....friday. I have to work. I have had this appointment scheduled for months now, already bought my ferry tickets, gotten my gas, etc...I think somebody needs to reimburse me for these things, what do you think? At least the gas, and on top of that, I have to find daycare now. WHY DO THEY DO THESE THINGS TO US??????????? ARGH!

On the upside, I did have my echo, and the tech said that there wasn't any significant change. YAY!
Isn't that aggravating! They do that to me all the time. I can make that appointment 3 or 4 months in advance and they still change it. I was supposed to have an appointment on the 19th. they called and without my knowledge, rescheduled it for the following Monday. I wouldn't have known had they not called to confirm the appointment time. It made me mad. I told them no I wasn't coming and they can just reschedule me for sometime in October. The way things are done anymore, makes me wonder why we aren't all loony cases.

Glad to hear your test came out a o k.
I had scheduled an eye appointment when I left my eye surgeon's place. Next day I had a piece of mail that said - please call, we need to re-schedule! Go figure.
Think of it this way, Joy - you might have saved someone's life!

My PCP fit me in when I had bacterial endocarditis. . .not sure who got bumped that day for him to see me, but I am sure glad that he was able to make some room on his schedule.

Sorry you had all of that incovenience! :(

Insider note

Insider note

The reason appts get changed is because there are sometimes conflicts in schedules especially when there are multiple doctors in the group and the hospital gets top priority coverage, then the office.

If one of the doctors in the group decides to take a vacation, or go to a conference, then the entire schedule gets changed so that the hospital is covered for rounds. Therefore you doctor might have been scheduled for office hours that particular day, but is being pulled to work in the hospital. Just recently there was a death in the family of one of the doctors, so everyon'e schedule was changed. It's unfortunate, but it happens to everyone.

Sorry Joy about that. Also Melissa is right. I know the past few weeks I have been seen every since week by my doc, so I know I was squeezed in. I am not sure who got bumped, but I am grateful.

I know the feeling, too. I had my last appointment set for 11am with childcare scheduled. Then the office called and rescheduled me for 2pm, so I called and rescheduled my sitter. Once again, they rescheduled me for 4pm, a time that would not work for my sitter. My husband had to leave work early. I finally saw my doctor at 5:30pm and he apologized, saying that one of his patients had to have an immediate cath and surgery. Although I was frustrated, it reminded me of the urgency of our medical condition.

I understand all the things that happen. In fact, I remember when I was in the hospital that january, I know I bumped a lot of people for my emergancy valvuplasty. That's why I am pretty understanding when he's running behind and I need to reschedule. It just upset me that they called the friday before and TOLD me I was rescheduled instead of asking me if it was ok. I will talk to his secretary on monday and I know she'll hook me up with an appointment that works for us all. Seriously, it's just a stressor that I didn't need. I just have to remind myself that he did the same thing for me almost three years ago.
I'd like to be able to say that with mine, but he just went out of town. I swear they are out of town more then they are in it.

I can understand emergency bumps and the like, but must every appointment be an emergency bump? Me don't think so.
Ross, I know firsthand that many specialists have narcisstic tendencies. They prioritize, yes, and are intellectually sharp but sometimes lack the qualities of emotional intelligence. I have a good cardio; he's compassionate. I know other docs who are smart as hell but cold as ice and that plays into their decision-making.
I just found out MY cardio is on vacation...that's why I got bumped. Now I have to wait until the 20th of october to find out how my ech results came out. If he was going to be out of town, why did they schedule the appt. for that day????????

I like him though, he is very compassionate, and is always concerned about ME and how I am doing both physically and emotionally. I guess he just needed a vacation( I guess he gets few of those.)
I call the day before

I call the day before

to, my card may not see me..but there are 3 more there tomorow. bonnie

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