Johns Hopkins Hospital lecture by expert geneticist, Hal Dietz, yesterday was very enlightening! The animal studies all show that Losartan/Cozaar turns around damage done by the faulty genes in Marfan Syndrom. The Human studies are still continuing, but look very promising. (Marfan Syndrome is so rare, it has taken awhile to get the number of subjects they need.) 
I have been taking Cozaar for a few years, but since my diagnosis changed to Bicuspid Aortic Valve disorder from Marfan Syndrome, I wondered if I should still take it. I also am forced to pay totally out-of-pocket for my Cozaar (100 dollars a month) by my delightful
medical insurance, so I am very motivated to switch meds, if possible. So, I asked Hal Dietz during the open audience question-and-answer period if I, not being "Marfan" anymore, could stop taking Cozaar.
Hal Dietz said "Take it!" because: He has looked at the tissue slides from people with BAV combined with an aortic aneurysm and their tissue abnormalities are very similar to Marfan abnormailites, so his educated opinion is that people with BAV+aneurysm should take Losartan/Cozaar. (People with BAV and NO aneurysm would not necessarily benefit, however.)
In Marfan people, Losartan/Cozaar helps normalize tissues in the following trouble areas: Heart valve, aorta, lungs (as in emphysema), and muscles (as in genetic Marfan weakness). (I am sorry that I forgot whether it helps Marfan eye problems, but I think it does.)
As for my high cost of Losartan/Cozaar, Hal Dietz said that generic versions of Losartan will be marketed within a month or two, so that should help me.
I have been taking Cozaar for a few years, but since my diagnosis changed to Bicuspid Aortic Valve disorder from Marfan Syndrome, I wondered if I should still take it. I also am forced to pay totally out-of-pocket for my Cozaar (100 dollars a month) by my delightful
Hal Dietz said "Take it!" because: He has looked at the tissue slides from people with BAV combined with an aortic aneurysm and their tissue abnormalities are very similar to Marfan abnormailites, so his educated opinion is that people with BAV+aneurysm should take Losartan/Cozaar. (People with BAV and NO aneurysm would not necessarily benefit, however.)
In Marfan people, Losartan/Cozaar helps normalize tissues in the following trouble areas: Heart valve, aorta, lungs (as in emphysema), and muscles (as in genetic Marfan weakness). (I am sorry that I forgot whether it helps Marfan eye problems, but I think it does.)
As for my high cost of Losartan/Cozaar, Hal Dietz said that generic versions of Losartan will be marketed within a month or two, so that should help me.