Hello Bina and I hope you are doing better.
I have had many different types of palpitations,SVT's,etc.Some were a.flutter, others I still don't know.
I have experienced the waking with tachycardia for years off and on.
And I still don't know what causes it but didn't rule out nightmare.
Since my VR I don't have them as frequently though.
I have also experienced the waking,anxiety-type tachycardias and these
should not just be swept under the rug. While in the hospital and on a
cardizem drip, my heart rate shot up to 188(from 110) and the nurse ran
into my room gave me an iv injection and it went down to 120 within
seconds. I asked her what she gave and it was ativan, I didn't even know
that there had been an order for it-but it did work. I was woozy afterward
and wouldn't want to take it regularly,but it's great for an emergency.
The metoprolol was not as helpful. I was put on a high dose(250mg/day)
and still went into another SVT during the regimen. I don't mean to say
that it doesn't help in other situations, it was just that this was prior to
my VR and I was very symptomatic.
Best wishes--Dina