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Dec 29, 2010
kingsport, tennessee
i am so tired of burping and feeling like my chest is full of gas. My back hurts around my left shoulder blade and every now and then , especially when i am burping i feel like its harder to breath. just wondering if this could be because of my aortic valve or not and your guys opinions.
The gassy feeling isn't on my list of symptoms to watch for in an aortic valve situation. I could be wrong, but I would expect it to more likely be caused by another coexisting condition. I have GERD and excess stomach acid production, and these contribute to gassiness and abdominal discomfort. When these conditions are properly medicated the symptoms disappear. Confusing, I know. I would have it checked out by an internist or your primary care doc.
I seems unlikely that a problem with the aortic valve could cause burping. As Steve suggested, you should follow up by letting your doctor know what is happening. One possibility is that this could be a reaction to stress. Stress can also be responsible for muscle tension that might well display itself in one's back. You can only be sure by getting it checked.

thanks for the info guys, just wanted to make sure no one else associated these symptoms with the heart . I go for my 6 month checkup in june, guess i will be ok until then.