Surgery: Was anyone else this scared?

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Hi all, first post and I'm so glad I found this forum. Looks like a lot of good information here.

I have surgery scheduled for 2/6 for what will hopefully be a mitral valve repair and am absolutely terrified. Even though I knew it was coming, since I found out the date on Friday, I've been a bundle of nerves. I've been making lists of things to do before I go, things to take, things to have ready for post-op. Now to find the time and energy to get some of this stuff done! :)

Will be traveling from Florida to Cleveland for this. Couldn't have picked a worse time for a warm weather lover to have to go north!

Any tips on how to get through the next few weeks would be appreciated. Has anyone put together a check list I can view to see what I've left off mine?

Hi Arlene,

Welcome to the board! To answer your question -- are you KIDDING?! Of course we were scared, or at least I know I was! As we say around here, the anxiety of the surgery before hand is almost always the worst part. Surgery like this is a hard thing to get your head around and it takes a while to come to grips with it. I went from being scared to angry to scared again to sad to depressed to resigned to scared and on and on and on.

But all of those emotions are normal and part of the process of dealing with the surgery. Different things work for different people but the best thing that helped me was this board. Use this forum to post your questions and thoughts, to vent and to talk about how you're feeling. Believe me, it helps.

Hang in there,
Welcome Arlene!

I'm so glad you found us. There's much to read here and lots of information to take in. Take a deep breath and know that you've found a group of around 1500 people who know your fears, know they're normal, and know that you'll do just fine.
Florida too

Florida too

Hi Arlene,

I have been a member of for almost 4 years. I live in Boca Raton, FL. I have been to 3 of the 5 reunions and have enjoyed sharing life experiences with so many wonderful people on this site. I'd be happy to talk on the phone with [email protected]



FYI-Cosgrove did my first valve surgery
Hi Arlene,
Scared is normal, but hopefully you will find peace as you get closer to the date. Here is a checklist of what to take to the hospital:
I believe there is one for when you come home too and will post that when I find it. In the meantime, I will put you on the calendar for 2/6 and we wish you the best for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. You're going to one of the best places for surgery (cold or not) and I am sure you will do fine.
Thanks, Joe

Thanks, Joe

Joe, not sure I like having to join this board, but very glad to know it's here. I am so nervous that at times I am sick to my stomach. Hope that gets a little better.

Will definitely be reading the posts to gain some perspective from those of you who have been through this already.

Hi Karlynn

Hi Karlynn

Thanks for the welcome.

This time last year, I was reading posts on a Breast Cancer forum. I had had surgery and chemo and was just starting radiation. I found so much support and information there and was hoping there was a group like this for my next adventure. I know that the best insight about what to expect can be found right here.

Cosgrove too

Cosgrove too

Hi Greg,

Cosgrove is also going to be my surgeon. It's so good to meet someone who has been to him. What is his personality like? Some doctors are very skilled, but can't relate well to patients. Can you give me any insight on what to expect?

Was there a specific reason that you didn't use him for your second surgery?

Thank you,
Just what I needed!

Just what I needed!

Phyllis, thank you so much for that link. I did a search, but didn't find this one. Will read it right now.


Phyllis said:
Here's the thread for how to prepare for homecoming:
Geesh, Arlene! You've had a couple of rough years. I am also a bc survivor - but I had 13 years between the bc and the valve surgery.

Tell you this - I'd have any number of valve surgeries rather than undergo the bc stuff - the chemo and radiation go on and on - and then it's years before you're considered cured. Nasty stuff.

This is mechanical - you go in and have a huge surgery and your heart is fixed. It takes a few months to recover, but the surgical pain is pretty much gone in 2 - 3 weeks for most folks. The recovery problems consist more of restricted activity, incredible exhaustion, lack of concentration. If you had standard chemo and radiation you've experienced the exhaustion. But your treatment for valve problems won't make you sick, it'll make you better.

You know, there's nothing wrong with getting a little chemical assistance to take the edge off your anxiety prior to surgery; the docs don't want your heart further stressed. Suggest you give them a call.

I'm sorry you've got to go through another traumatic medical emergency so closely on the heels of the last one. But having survived the last one, you'll do fine on this.

btw - if your veins are shot from chemo, I suggest you request a pic line for bloodwork in the hospital.

Hang in there and keep visiting.
13 Year surviver! :)

13 Year surviver! :)

Georgia, that's the kind of statistic I love to see! Gives me lots of hope.

The first chemo was the worst. I tossed up every thirty minutes for two days and ended up in the ER for dehydration. After that, they added a med to what I was taking and it made all the difference. The rest weren't fun, but were doable.

My left arm can't be used for blood draws, IVs, etc, so the veins in my right arm are pretty well trashed. Pic line sounds like a good idea.

When I was finished with radiation, I tried to get back on an exercise regimen and that's when I realized something else was wrong. Just could not believe how winded I was from a short little walk. When it didn't get better after a few days of trying to get back in shape, I headed for the doc and then went through months of appointments and tests that ended with the surgery reccommendation.

Thanks for your encouragement.

Welcome Arlene,

You wouldn't be human if you weren't scared and I am sure we were all petrified initially. Even after 3 OHS, I never got over being scared because we hope for the best but plan for the worst.

Try to focus on the fact that you will soon be all fixed up and feeling better. Also, you will get lots of support here even if you just need a shoulder to cry on.

We will help you through.
Welcome Arlene!
I had my valve job done at the Cleveland Clinic about 4 months ago (different surgeon though.) Just thought you might find it comforting to hear that I was absolutely amazed at the level of care and compassion I received while there. I never waited more than 5 minutes when I rang my bell (if that) and every single nurse (with one possible exception :) ) was overwhelmingly helpful and kind. Even the people who push the wheelchairs around were nice! I realize the most important thing is the surgery (and that went well too) but frankly, since I was asleep, it was the quality of care afterwards that made such a difference to me. Anyway, to make a long story short, you can expect great care at Cleveland. Best of luck, Kate
Thank you, Gina

Thank you, Gina


I can't tell you how glad I am to have found this board. I read a lot of posts on the Breast Cancer board, but rarely posted. I can tell already though that I am going to need to be here. My anxiety level over this is far worse so far.

I think it is going to help a lot to get back to work tomorrow. I have a lot of work to get finished prior to surgery and being that busy will be a good thing.

Shaking in my boots

Shaking in my boots

Hi Arlene
My AVR surgery is on Monday 1/23. At this point I am having to accept what I am feeling is normal. Slight panic, especially when I wake up, depression, some confusion probably from thinking too much. After reading what others have posted over the years I have come to see what they were talking about with regards to pre-surery gitters. Your feelings are what count right now and I am pretty sure they are not unusual for what you are facing. Preparation will ease some anxiety and so will sticking to what you enjoy doing on a daily basis. Try not to get overwelmed to where you deny yourself some fun.
I know how you feel Arlene so I hope what I've said helps in some way.

CC Questions

CC Questions


Thanks for the welcome, Kate! Your comments about Cleveland Clinic are very reassuring. I have a few questions about CC that maybe you can answer since you were there recently.

Some hospitals have PCs with internet access that patient families can use to pass on surgery news to other family members. Do you know if that's available at CC?

Did you by chance stay in the Guest House during pre-op appointments? If so, is that hotel close enough or do you reccommend a different one?

Yes I am, you are not alone!!!!!!!!

Yes I am, you are not alone!!!!!!!!

Arlene, I am praying for you. I(and everyone) on this board, I believe can understand your fear. I am not quite as far along the process as you as this has all begun for me on the dec. 30th, when I got the results of a routine physical from my physician. Since I heard his words "severe aortic stenosis" and "aortic valve replacement" Each and every waking moment, I have felt this hanging over me, and realizing more and more, what I may have to face. those on this board, who have been thru it, and those of us who are in the process, can provide us the hope, experience and reality of what we are facing. Thank god, that there is the ability and skill of medical professionals who can make us well again, even if we don't know we need it today. So I don't ramble anymore, Yes I am scared, on a 1 least to 10 most on the SCARED SCALE.....I AM A 20---RITE BESIDE YOU, but we will both make it thru to live this wonderful life we live cardiologist for me tomorrow, 1/17/06--some answers finally...God bless you and I look forward to your posts---after surgery---when you say "whew, that wasn't so bad, and I feel great" lonz
Rick, thank you!

Rick, thank you!

Rick, I am overwhelmed that you are dealing with this also and took the time to offer suggestions and comforting thoughts. Thank you so much and yes, your comments have been helpful.

I will certainly be thinking about you a week from today. Hope you have as easy a time as possible!

Hi there Arlene and welcome to the greatest support site this side of the BC one..! For what it's worth, my sister is a BC survivor...2006 - 1989 = a bunch of years..:D and I'm the AVR survivor...2006 - 1999.

And you don't have the "scared basket" all to yourself...we have all been there and know exactly how you're feeling right now.

Yep, leaving this nice warm weather to go to Ohio in February...:eek: You're going to the best place with the best surgeon so brave the snow! And your neighbor there in Florida, Greg - is a sweetheart! We're all with you as you continue on the road to wellness..!

Oh, almost forgot my one hint for your hospital stay...UNPLUG THE PHONE! Well, can I have two hints...? Second hint...send all the flowers to the Nurses' Station and to the Nurse Manager and you'll get real good service, plus the fact you'll be less likely to sneeeeeeeeeeze!