surgery soon

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You may want to follow AL's advice re: a second opinion from the Cleveland Clinic online site:

I did, and it probably saved my life. It got the ball rolling from point A to B. Point A was my local cardio telling me to wait-and-see; point B was the Cleveland Clinic telling me to get on a regime of nitrates and vasodilators.

God's speed with your recovery. And yes, this is an amazing community of intelligent, experienced people who are walking, talking miracles.

surgery soon

I feel like I need to plan every spare minute to maximize getting things done before the surgery because I sure won't be doing physical things afterward. I need to replace the muffler on my daughters car, I'm starting a stairway from a slab at the basement level up to the deck at the gound floor level, need to rotate tires, change oil, etc. I dread the muffler job the most because it is usually a fight to get the old stuff off.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get things done at work so that I don't have to depend on someone else to cover for me while I'm gone.
I don't have SOB, so I don't really know what the limits are but I'm usually pretty exhausted by the end of the day.