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You may want to follow AL's advice re: a second opinion from the Cleveland Clinic online site:
I did, and it probably saved my life. It got the ball rolling from point A to B. Point A was my local cardio telling me to wait-and-see; point B was the Cleveland Clinic telling me to get on a regime of nitrates and vasodilators.
God's speed with your recovery. And yes, this is an amazing community of intelligent, experienced people who are walking, talking miracles.
You may want to follow AL's advice re: a second opinion from the Cleveland Clinic online site:
I did, and it probably saved my life. It got the ball rolling from point A to B. Point A was my local cardio telling me to wait-and-see; point B was the Cleveland Clinic telling me to get on a regime of nitrates and vasodilators.
God's speed with your recovery. And yes, this is an amazing community of intelligent, experienced people who are walking, talking miracles.