Surgery scheduled for Tuesday 17th

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Good Luck tomorrow Mike!

I had mine done last week. I'm 39yrs old and I had a St Jude's Mechanical put in and an aortic root replacement. My valve was 70% blown and my heart was at 8cm. After surgery, I was out of the hospital in 4 days. Just got back from an evening walk around the neighborhood. Stay strong and remember to replace your fear with faith. Talk soon.
Hope everyting went well yesterday and your on the way to a smooth recovery :)
Love Sarah xxx
Hope you are starting to recover now. First day SUCKS. Waiting for your or your family post with anticipation.
I've been checking in too; wondering how you're doing. Hope all is well.
Hi All,

Sorry for not updating earlier but I now know what the saying means when someone says it's like being hit by a 10 ton truck

Anyway here's a brief update surgery took place last Tuesday last 5 hours went for tissue valve in the end (biggest decision really hard to make )

Ascending aorta replaced with dacron graft

Surgery went well

And recovery to date going well

Was discharged last nite 6 days after surgery - can't believe it

I have the greatest administration for the talent of the surgeons and all supporting medical staff what a talent

I would personally like to thank all of you on this fab support site who have given advice and support

You positive thoughts and Prayers were gratefully received and used

God bless you All

Now onto the recovery plan

More updates to follow


Glad to hear that you are in the recovery process. Now remember, that walking does do wonders for the body and soul. Take it kinda slow but walk, eat, rest, sleep and then just repeat over and over. Pretty soon that silly truck that hit you will be but a memory. Best wishes to you. :)
So pleased to hear your news. I've been checking every day wondering how it went. Sounds like you're on your way back. Bet it's good to be home again!
Great to hear from you Mike. I hope that your recovery goes very smoothly. Glad to have you on the other side of surgery. Life begins again!!

Glad to hear everything went well Mike,
Hope your recovery continues to go well :)
Were did you have your op?
Love Sarah xx
Hi Sarah

Had the operation done at Derriford in Plymouth

Doing fine so far

Little bit of clear fluid on left lung

Really happy

Other than walking around the house I'm doing a 10 minute brisk walk in the morning and again in the afternoon, which is not bad day 5 out of hospital

Plenty of rest in between though

God bless all of those on this site

Mike x
Great job on walking Mike. 5th day out and you are already doing 10 minutes twice a day. I am sure you are moving lots around the house. Your walking will just increase and you will feel better every day. Keep it up.
Yeah moving around the house a little bit

How are you doing, what is your walking regime?

You're still in recovery mode so take it light. Thanks for the update and wishing you a smooth recovery.
Yeah moving around the house a little bit

How are you doing, what is your walking regime?


First week at home, I moved as much as I could around the house and did up to 1 hour walks outside.
Second week, I did many 1+ hr walks outside, and even longer 2hr or so shopping around Prime Outlets.
Third week, I was doing 4 mile walks 2+ times a week.
Fourth week, I hit sub 1hr 4-mile walk and started exercising with very light weights at home.

My general observation was that the more active I was, be it moving around the house or walking outside, the better and more stable my heart-rate has became. I started seeing low 70s and even high 60s heart rate without being on any drugs and started seeing my heart-rate come down lots faster post exertion (be it walking up the stairs, or light exercising).

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