Surgery Postponed Teeth Problem

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EVa If my dentists knew which tooth then I would not be having this poblem. As I have said before the pain does not remain in any tooth. It travels which is unusual. As I have 15 caps in my mouth the exrays of these teeth are not very good. What I do know is that if you have a a cavity or need root canal or some other thing the pain is always in that tooth. Yesterday I had a lot of pain in tooth #2 Today I have little pain in either tooth #21 or #22. Both of the Endodontists I saw yesterday say there is no infection or abcess in any of my teeth. This is really crazy. I do not neglect my teeth . I see a Periodontist every 4months for cleaning and check up
Do you think it could be due to sinus problems? I used to have gum pain when my sinus's were acting up. Just a thought if they can't find a tooth problem it could be something else. Hope that helped.
Good Luck!
...... I have 15 caps in my mouth the exrays of these teeth are not very good.


This is stressful, but do not let it add more tension on you which you do not need at this time, which I am sure 'is easier said than done' but I am trying to support you and help you.

You mention the exrays of caps shows the teeth are not very good! in what way, and could this be the reason?!

The nerves in your jaw will let the sensitivity and pain move from tooth to tooth. I had a dying tooth and the pain affected 6 teeth and then I had an infection in the gum there as well so the freezing to do the root canal didn't work well at all. 15 injections and 2 hours later the bad tooth was finally drained and pulpless.

I have gone to the dentist and hygenist every six months ever since I had enough teeth to see a dentist about. Can you stand the pain long enough for your heart to heal post op? If so, then clear with your dentist and move through the surgical process. You'll have time to get things fixed once you've got a new valve.
It is the x-rays of capped teeth that are not very good. As there is a lot of metal and gold in the caps. It is not the teeth being bad.
Harmony, it IS scary before surgery - we've all felt that fear! But you need this surgery and the sooner you get it over and done with, the quicker you will be on the road to recovery and your new life.

I hope you go ahead with your operation on the scheduled date. Everyone here supports you.

Good luck
I was assured by the 2 Endodentists I saw yesterday that I have no infection or abcess in any teeth. I had called my suurgeons offices yesterday to tell them about my problem.


It sounds to me like you've been given the ok to have your surgery. Surgeons are VERY concerned with infection and you have been assured by several sources that you have none. You can see infection in an x-ray fairly plainly. It shows as a dark area in the tissue surrounding the teeth.

I'm sure you are experiencing pain...that's not the question. Your surgeon just wanted to make sure that it wasn't infection causing it. The pain may be caused by a cracked tooth...that doesn't show on can radiate...but it's NOT an infection.

I think you should fax or e-mail your surgeon the results from all your dental specialists then speak with him DIRECTLY about the decision to proceed with your surgery.