Surgery on Tuesday, June 14th

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Active member
Jun 9, 2005
It's two days before my Tuesday morning surgery. So far today, I argued with my husband, cried (for myself), went to lunch with a friend and went shopping. I'm sure if someone looks at me funny, I will burst into tears. I am having my aortic valve replaced and I've known this was coming for about five years. I am a 56 year old female, in good health, and I know the odds are well within my favor. But stay out of my way, I am a monster right now. Hey, I'm feeling a little better just venting. Thanks for "listening".
Teacher said:
It's two days before my Tuesday morning surgery. So far today, I argued with my husband, cried (for myself), went to lunch with a friend and went shopping. I'm sure if someone looks at me funny, I will burst into tears. I am having my aortic valve replaced and I've known this was coming for about five years. I am a 56 year old female, in good health, and I know the odds are well within my favor. But stay out of my way, I am a monster right now. Hey, I'm feeling a little better just venting. Thanks for "listening".

That's what we're here for; to listen to you because we've had all been listened to ourselves! Soon your surgery will be over, and you will be able to regain your equilibrium.
Keep posting, and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Sounds like you need to have a nice big juicy piece of meat right now. I command you to go out and grill a nice big cut steak of your choice and savor the flavor. It's very soothing. ;)
Ross said:
Sounds like you need to have a nice big juicy piece of meat right now. I command you to go out and grill a nice big cut steak of your choice and savor the flavor. It's very soothing. ;)

Actually, I've been thinking about grilling a ribeye for dinner!!
This is your time to be Queen Witch if you want. You have a great excuse. A few months from now you won't be able to get away with it. :D

I know your surgery will go very well. We'll be thinking of you.
Hi Teacher

Rossman is right.....a big steak with lots of juice!!!! MMMMMGood!

Don't worry, I'm sure everyone understands what you're going through. Actually, when my husband had his AVR, I was the one who was impossible.....he was fine......but then that's the way it usually is here.

We'll be thinking of and praying for you come Tuesday.

You have every right to all those feelings and I'm sure that once the ball starts rolling on Tuesday morning you will feel the sense of calm and acceptance that Bob always talks about. You will do fine and we will all be here to hear all about it on the other side of the mountain! :D Best wishes and go knowing how many friends you have here wishing you well.
You will be much more miserable if you try to ignore the roller coaster you are on. Follow the path, yell if you want, hug and kiss if you want, cry all you want. All those are allowable things - read the fine print in the OHS contract you signed :D :D :D

If your family doesn't understand - just tell them to get out of your way or they will need the bed next to yours - just kidding, sort of.

You will be fine as you are keeping your sense of humor.

Good luck and Godspeed.
surgery on Tuesday

surgery on Tuesday

tuesday morn. I will be praying for you all day and thinking of you!!!! Know that you are being looked after. All will go well as it did for me.


Teacher said:
It's two days before my Tuesday morning surgery. So far today, I argued with my husband, cried (for myself), went to lunch with a friend and went shopping. I'm sure if someone looks at me funny, I will burst into tears. I am having my aortic valve replaced and I've known this was coming for about five years. I am a 56 year old female, in good health, and I know the odds are well within my favor. But stay out of my way, I am a monster right now. Hey, I'm feeling a little better just venting. Thanks for "listening".


Vent all you want.......ask for a few 5 mg Valium tablets from one of your docs as well. Did the trick for me. I did the same thing. I cried a lot and embarassed myself by bursting into tears unexpectedly. Prayer also helped me and hearing people tell me I was in their prayers. The 91st Psalm is especially comforting. Please pardon if you are of a different faith. I tried to hang with people who were more likely to say "you're going to do great" instead of tearfully saying they're "so worried". A young woman I work with who had open heart surgery last Nov. and, like you and me, had to wait months to know when the surgery would be done helped me the best. She told me that if she had only two choices of either feeling the way she did before the surgery or the discomfort after, she would choose the discomfort after every time. This web site rocks too. It's nice to know you're not alone....and you are not. You're going to do great. I just know it because I'm praying for you too. :)
If either of you didn't cry or feel scared, I'd be worried and looking for a new website that had humans in it. ;)
It's so natural!

It's so natural!

Unfortunately, many people don't seem to respect that. I never tell my mum how I feel because all she says is that I have to be strong and that I knew very well that I would need a fourth surgery(mitral valve replacement) when I chose another tissue valve. She makes everything sound so simple by saying that you HAVE to think positive and that negative thoughts attract bad things and so on. I'm just sick to the teeth of all that rubbish!! I understand that she's right up to a certain extent, but come off it, we're human beings, aren't we? VR has been one of the greatest things that has happened in my life, I mean, I've never had much emotional support from family members except my husband, and even his patience is limited. I know exactly how you feel. Getting over sensitive and flying off the handle over daft things is a natural reaction when you're scared and feel threatened. Come and vent any time you feel like it, but bear in mind that you're not alone in this and we'll all be right here waiting for you when this is all over and you're on the road to recovery. Do your best to stay as calm as possible in order to keep your immune system strong! I'll keep my fingers, toes, the lot, crossed for you on Tuesday, agreed!? You'll be fine!!
Débora :)
Hi, Teacher. I'm a teacher too and really feel for you. The emotions you feel before that surgery are completely natural. Even though I'm getting ready to celebrate my eighth year, I still remember being a basket case the few weeks preceeding the big day. It's normal, and all of us felt that way to some degree or another. Best of luck to you and please keep us informed as to your progress. I look forward to seeing you over the mountain.
Teacher said:
It's two days before my Tuesday morning surgery. So far today, I argued with my husband, cried (for myself), went to lunch with a friend and went shopping.


Sounds like a fairly normal day to me ;).

Seriously, though, we all can relate to these emotions. If you are like me and others on the board, you'll start to relax and "cool down" as the time draws closer and you're in the room, waiting for the surgery to begin. Then, when you're done ... you'll wonder what the fuss was all about. Well, maybe not right away ... but someday :).

For now ... relax and have some fun. Perhaps a nice drive would do you some good ... he he he ... I know they do me good :).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB =
MC Guide =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
I remember how crazy I felt before my surgery. I cried ALL the time about the stupidest things. I'm glad you found this site, it was such a godsend for me. The most comforting thing in the world was hearing all the success stories of all the great people on this site. You will be great! I hope you are enjoying your day before surgery as much as you can. :) Please keep us updated!

Liza :)
All will go well for you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm feeling better today

I'm feeling better today

I went this morning for the pre-op stuff and I will return to the hospital tomorrow morning at 5:30. I'm feeling calm and cool today after yesterday's roller coaster ride and I hope to remain this way. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your thoughts and wishes. I feel blessed that I found this website and all the understanding that comes with it. Hopefully, I will let you know soon how everything went.
Good luck, tomorrow! Sounds like the pre-op was somewhat uneventful for you ... always good :).

Glad that you are feeling a bit calmer. If you are like me and others here, you'll feel even calmer once you get to the hospital in the morning.

If you can have someone post for you ... that'd be wonderful. If not, come back and tell us when you are able.
Another Tuesday surgery!

Another Tuesday surgery!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and the days after that. Try to get a good sleep tonight! Wishing you the best of luck for the surgery and a speedy recovery.
Débora :)