Surgery on Friday

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Mar 12, 2009
West Columbia, SC
Hi, I am having my pulmonary valve replace on Friday 4/24/2008. :eek:Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, concers, pointers for me. Does any what to take my place :rolleyes:Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

Just hang in there & try not to worry to much. I do like taking a nice pair of slippers , and a good book with me. The slippers will beat anything they give you, just make sure they are slip resistant.

Good luck to you & God BLess

Have yourself a good support system when you get home. Have a nice place to get comfortable such as a recliner. Being 6 weeks post op, remember to be patient and realize that recovery takes time.

Don't take lots to the hospital. I overpacked and I know others on here did the same thing. You will stay in a hospital gown most of the time so don't take lots of clothes. Bring something comfortable to wear home.

The hospital will encourage you to walk it. It's the best thing you can do. Get plenty of rest and don't be afraid to take the pain meds.

Most importantly, pray and let God take care of you! We will all be here and you will have an awesome support system here when you get to this side.
A short robe you can wear over your hospital gown will prove useful and encourage you to walk as soon as they tell you to, but otherwise everything will be supplied you--including warm socks to walk in, with little rubber thingies on the bottom (at least I got those; don't remember the last time). Take your positive attitude with you, and our very best wishes!
Dear Marrney, Just saw your surgery is tomarrow and wanted to send you my best wishes!!! I am also TOF and had my PV replaced a year ago. Just wanted to let you know I feel great!! and it was the best thing I've ever done, really. I am so much better now than for several years before the surgery!! We will be thinking and praying for you tomarrow!
Take care Debbie :)
Advice is to keep this forum bookmarked and post any questions or concerns that you may have. Also keep up a positive attitude! Go ahead and over pack. I did, but no harm. My Ipod was my favorite packing accessory. Be sure to post when you are able to.
Good luck and best wishes for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery.

My advice is to use the spirometer as much as you will clear your lungs and help them regain their elasticity and get rid of air bubbles! :)

Keep us posted when you can.
Sending you best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery.
I agree with the others about the walking. It really does make a difference.

We'll be waiting to hear from you when you feel up to posting.
All the best with your surgery and recovery.
cheering you on with prayers and good wishes
Just know you will do fine and glad waitings soon over:)

zipper2 (DEB)
I'm sending you good vibes for your surgery today Marny. Blessings to you sweetheart.

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