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The timescale I was given for my valve replacement/x3 arterial bypasses in October- “ within the next three months” is hurtling by, with no sign of a date yet.
I had to let the surgeon’s office know of any potential no-go dates so sadly, when my sister passed away last week I called to let them know the funeral date.
I took advantage of the call to ask about progress up the list .
Apparently I’m not near the top,& as they’ve had a ‘very difficult few weeks’ with emergencies& patients staying longer in ICU than planned, they were under some pressure.
My three month window is the end of January,& her best guess was ‘well into the New Year’
Needless to say, this news did nothing for my blood pressure or anxiety level,& and I was slightly mollified to be reassured that my surgeon ‘ must be confident and happy for me to wait at home rather than as an inpatient’ .
Thanks for letting me sound off-my inner battle now is not to molly coddle myself,& try to stay active and positive but my sister’s passing is a stark reminder of our mortality and I’m impatient to get this sorted so I can get on with my life, and enjoy our grandchildren growing up: especially little Ottillie who was born just days before my sister’s death. Talk about the circle of life!
I had to let the surgeon’s office know of any potential no-go dates so sadly, when my sister passed away last week I called to let them know the funeral date.
I took advantage of the call to ask about progress up the list .

Apparently I’m not near the top,& as they’ve had a ‘very difficult few weeks’ with emergencies& patients staying longer in ICU than planned, they were under some pressure.
My three month window is the end of January,& her best guess was ‘well into the New Year’

Needless to say, this news did nothing for my blood pressure or anxiety level,& and I was slightly mollified to be reassured that my surgeon ‘ must be confident and happy for me to wait at home rather than as an inpatient’ .
Thanks for letting me sound off-my inner battle now is not to molly coddle myself,& try to stay active and positive but my sister’s passing is a stark reminder of our mortality and I’m impatient to get this sorted so I can get on with my life, and enjoy our grandchildren growing up: especially little Ottillie who was born just days before my sister’s death. Talk about the circle of life!