Jiml brought up a point..how can we get more of you active members to come and join us.. Just seems that we active members on chat are always the same ones..and I know that many of you that post during the week would LOVE it...I can think of at least 5 of you... Don't be shy..it (chat) is really fun..You can come on and just read..or post..whatever. We have many different topics going at the same time..makes no difference.if you reply to one..or another one..We can read for a long ways..the page..and get back to you..if you post something..Register on chat and come and join us next Sunday night........members tonight ..From England to Oregon to Az. to Michigan.. to maine and then missiouri..and more..so you probably know us..mainly we talk about weather , ect. just fun talk.. ..and food.. Bonnie