I enjoyed chatting and of course my son Justin was chatting with all of you. He was telling you how sick he had been. Well when the Dr. called back we took him to the ER. He was severly dehydrated.
He was throwing up so much. Had a terrible headache.
High fever and very sick. I felt so bad as a mother.
I felt that I had let him down by not taking him sooner. I thought maybe it was just something he ate that didn't settle in his stomach. But all day long he was getting worse. He had lost 7.5lbs in 24 hours.He is used to weighing everyday due to his phyical training he does at school. But the blood work came back that he had a viral infection. ( don't know exactly where). They pumped with IV fluids and pain meds along with pheregan to stop him from throwing up. With in several hours the fever broken, he was able to perk up, and keep some fluids down orally. He cheeks began to get color back. But I still feel guilty about it.
He has always been healthy and for a few bumps in the road, he is in good health. I am glad that he is getting better, he has to be on bed rest for 2 days. Our whole area, cancelled school due to the below zero temperatures so he won't have to miss alot at school. the chill factor is -25 here this morning. He is not one that will complain and you know when he doesn't feel good, I just wish I could have taken him sooner.I really do feel bad about this. Thanks all of you for your advice. Hope to chat with you again.