Sunday Chat

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My condolences

My condolences

Billy and Jean

Please accept my most sincere condolences on your losses. You both are in my thoughts.

Billy and Jean,
My thoughts are with you.....
Les AVR '93 / '95
Billy & prayers to you for your losses....

As for the Sunday chat...well, I was a bit busy this weekend with my baby girls.... As for the last few weeks...just haven't had the time...I'm sorry. What with the MCs out now...and cruise season just around the corner, I'm afraid I may not be around as much...but, ya never know ;).

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
Member & Newsletter Editor, Faith COB:
MC's Future:
My MC Family:
G1=1970-1972...72...2nd owner
G2=1973-1977...76...2nd owner
G3=1978-1980...79...3rd owner
G4=1981-1988...81...2nd owner
Ga=1995-1999...uh, no
Gb=2000-200?...00...1st owner ***FOR SALE***
RIP: 1976=Parents' [my] car ... 1988=Silver Bullet
*WANTED: 87 MC LS (or) Olds Cutlass (or) mid-90s Ford Thunderbird*
Spotting MCs:


Billy and Jean

Please accept my condolences on your losses. You both are in my prayers

Thanks Everyone....

Thanks Everyone....

My sincere thanks to all of you who posted regarding the recent death of my Sister Kathryn. Your messages of condolence were very much appreciated at this time.

There were just the two of us, so there was a great feeling of loneliness when she died. She was 65 and had suffered from Alzheimers for the past ten years. In reality she left us about five years ago. Although I have missed her, I would not deprive her of the peace that death bestowed upon her.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed - as Ann's catchphrase always reminds us, we should always make the best of today. My thoughts go out to you Jean....we were many miles apart, but going through the same experiences.

Thanks again to all of you who were thinking of my Family and myself at this sad time.
Dear Billy

Dear Billy

I'm so sorry to hear about your sisters death ...but I do know a little of what you are going through mother was diagnosed with Alzhiemers 17 yrs ago and now is completely bedridden ,unable to do anything ...I would see it as a blessing if she passed away in her sleep ...I too mourned my mother many yrs ago and now we just help the nursing home to care for the body I feel the woman that brought me up has been "gone" for many yrs ...however sometimes the sadness of what she has missed : her wonderful grandchildren and my sisters wedding and every Christmas and special occasions comes back ...
I feel for the sadness you must feel now at what were the missed opportunites over the last ten yrs ....but try to remember the real sister you had and not how she ended up ...tis hard I know ...
Take care
Thinking of you

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