Stupidity verses safety

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Well yes my date has arrived and along with some stupidity of stress on my part.Long story short i drove to my quiet place feelings of housebound yesterday,as everyone working and low and behold as i got there i didn't close
my car door entirely held back by seatbelt,the windchill was so cold and had no cell service,but long story short i have the car trunk packed with winter survival items,shorter story i had to walk to cell service 1\4 mile and as i called my caa my cell went dead.Back to my dead car and candles work amazingly well for enclosed areas like vehicles ,had frozen water that candle took care of and prayed like i was losing my mind but 3 hours later c.a.a. did arrive boosted me and rest is history.i came away unharmed and unfrozen thanks to always keeping trunk full of survival needs even matches and cupasoup.

well surgery yes it has come time to stop warfarin tomorrow and i will be heading dowm with instructions from my surgeon,or worst a cancellation,but im being positive about everything,so far no news is good news and i will update in morning as i hear from him.

some other shocking theary amongst family that was always here ,always going to be there for hubby and i backed out from fear.......long story not worth repeating in my mind and my mom will be here tomorrow as all my kids left to pick her up so thats all i know for now i'm behaving not venturing out to anywhere and i will update you now that Dale will be contacting Freddie to keep you posted on all the surgical news on my behalf as i'm taking the laptop,but it can only be usedin certain areas of hospital and he doesn't wanna leave to post,less he really has to.

i'm so ready i will never be as ready as i am now so praying all goes as planned and thats all i can fill you in on,my walk of 1\4 mile and back done me in for some heart argument and felt like it was gonna come outta my chest last night:p:pthe most exercise i've had in a while ,but if anything it helped me hopefully,the adrenaline of being stranded never even caused a click in my mechanical,but sure woke my heart up.

Stupidity was the thing but safety in my trunk did very well when coming
into an emergency as i did.If my Doc only knew:rolleyes:omg.

So ill keep you posted as i leave and then it's Freddies call:):)

Thank-you all for being here for me luv you all (((BIG HUGS)))

zipper2 (DEB)
So very glad you are safe! We're only in the lower 30s where we are, I can't imagine any place so cold that you can be in danger, but I know many face it every day. You were prepared, like a good girl scout! :D

Fingers crossed, saying a prayer that all goes as scheduled and without nary a hitch! :)
So glad you survived that scary situation- recovery should be a piece of cake now! Looking forward to all good reports from Freddie.
This is very confusing. Your car broke down because the INTERIOR became too cold while it was parked?

i went to close my door not paying attention as i closed it it was actually

open due to my seatbelt clip hanging outside the door,cus i never paid attention i never realized the door was really ajar and when i came back to my car it caused my battery to die for this reason plus being so cold didnot help matters,but it was like my door was pushed just not closed so killed my battery and no charge to start it up just dead.

zipper2 (DEB)
Maybe anxiety made you a bit absent minded -- it has been happening to me! Glad you are okay, and how smart you are to have emergency stuff. I see people every day here (near Toronto) get into cars to go to work with their high heels on and no gloves and wonder what they are thinking of.

No more adventures until surgery, okay?:)
Maybe anxiety made you a bit absent minded -- it has been happening to me! Glad you are okay, and how smart you are to have emergency stuff. I see people every day here (near Toronto) get into cars to go to work with their high heels on and no gloves and wonder what they are thinking of.

No more adventures until surgery, okay?:)

i know it was not to my knowledge even
that cold cus you get used to it
here it was dam cold like -46 windchill,but i didn't panic i knew the car had enough stuff to survivally keep me going,so panc wasn't there,but the walk is what coulda done me was 2 pm my time and i had no coverage at the car,so into 2 hrs waiting for tow truck,i began to worry abit but of course my cell went dead during my call to tow compant,but by then either you pray they got it or not,then being so busy with boosts aday of windchill in hell ida stayed in my car,and have a romantic candle-lit granola bar.thats what i did.
worst was never told anyone at home i was going cus all were gone and i just leaped in car and left,wondering if it was really as cold as i thought it felt know i get out there and the bush country so gorgious,i got lost
in my own beauty of closing car door.
Well i dont think heart surgery is as bad if i was having 2nd thoughts thats gone for sure:p finally tow truck arrived at 430 it was heaven sent;)


zipper2 (DEB)
Deb, I've done that before......when the door is not closed properly, the car's interior light stays on and can drain the car battery quick enough.
My father always told us to keep an extra hat, gloves, scarf and blanket in the car.
Now stay home!
So happy to hear that you're safe & sound Deb! :) You are very wise & well prepared in keeping things such as matches, blankets, edibles, etc. for an emergency such as the one you just had. I too keep an extra blanket, matches, & a road emergency kit in my car --- you just never know when you might need it!

Now you just have to get ready for your surgery date so in the meantime, do as Bina advised,

Stay Home!! :)

Take care my friend!:)
Good God Deb!!
In this weather you'd think you would have found a warmer quiet a closet in your HOUSE!?

So glad you had the stuff to keep you going until the toe truck got there.

Oh yea, there is a place called a LIBRARY where you could have gone. You silly girl!!!!

Now stay put okay??? NO MORE gallivanting in this weather alone..........agreed??
As a once professional mechanic, (If I can't fix it, I'll make sure no one else can either!) it's time for you to get a much better battery then what you have. ;)
As someone who once, long ago, went on a trip away from where I lived without telling any family or co-workers where I was going (I came home without incident, fortunately), DON'T EVER again go somewhere out of the ordinary without telling someone, or at least leaving a note.

And get that Battery as Ross suggested!
As someone who once, long ago, went on a trip away from where I lived without telling any family or co-workers where I was going (I came home without incident, fortunately), DON'T EVER again go somewhere out of the ordinary without telling someone, or at least leaving a note.

And get that Battery as Ross suggested!

Thanks Ross and Al for the (spanking):( and lecture (well deserved)..CAR

went with Dale and he will deliver it at noon for complete check

for the surgerical trip,i'm assuming battery is new sooooooooo with

being sooooooooooooooooooooo cold after it drained didn't help it.

but it went to work with him today and gets a go in at noon

so he will drop it off there.The windchill here today at -49.. for us.

thats cold even on a new battery,but i won't go testing it out too soon

alone.:eek: either. Always maintained but i blame the stupidity and cold

cus it was too cold to be out and no way to even give me a start-up

after 2 hours of closing that door ,if warmer out it woulda started.maybe:confused:

zipper2 (DEB)
Deb, I'm so glad that you are okay. I've been caught in the cold with a car that wouldn't start many times and that was before cell phones. Thank goodness I always keep warm boots and a heavy coat & gloves in my car in the winter time. I didn't have to walk very far until someone helped me. That can be so scary.

Good luck on your surgery.