Storms, tornados

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Severe weather has ripped thru several of our valvereplacement members states last night. I am so thankful no one was hurt.Ross is fine in Ohio, Ann in Fla. Me in Ga. Tennessee was hard hit. Hope everyone is fine. My phone was out all day. so was my computer. Worried until I found out everyone was safe. We have formed a great bond :D Don't won't anyone going to Kansas:D :D Bonnie
I heard some thunderstorms while I was sleeping. They sounded pretty strong. I was surprised to see on the news just how bad the storms were. My part of VA didn't get hit with any tornados that I heard of. Bonnie: I'm glad to hear that you are OK. It sounded like Tenn. was hit pretty hard, as well as some other states. I hope everyone else here came out of the storms without any injuries or damage. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who lost their lives and had substantial damage.

Take Care!
All around us, we had reports of Tornado's and micro burst winds. Lots of damage all around, but I'm unscathed. We lost our power for about 20 seconds and the internet service for about 16 hours.
4 People killed in Van Wert, OH. Multiple touchdowns North of my place. It is going in the weather record books here.
It sounds like you were right in the middle of those storms. I'm glad to hear that you didn't have any damage of any kind and that you and your family are safe.

Take Care!


We are 15 mile from Van Wert. All safe and sound here! Many jobs were lost as well as homes. This will take many months to return to normal.
So happy you are safe

So happy you are safe

John and Joanne..So close to your home....Prayers go out to all tonight. Bonnie
I'm in Durham North Carolina, and although lots of wind and rain we are safe and sound. It was all around us and they were not sure if it was going to hit here. Saw my psychiatrist today and he said he heard a locomotive sound go over head. His office is only about five minutes from me and I heard nothing. Thank goodness we are all safe. martha
All of my friends in Memphis are ok. Nothing came close thankfully.

I can tell you being/living in a tornadic area like that is horrible feeling. The day I was released from the hospital after my MVR...... we were all crouched down in the bathroom as I held a pillow to my chest and praying the tornado would pass. As luck and good fortune had it, we survived unscathed. At that point, we knew my heart was good and strong!

My heart goes out to the familles of all effected.
Several days ago, I could feel the tornadic vibes - there is a certain color in the sky, the air is humid and strangely warm and it stayed that way til the thunder and rains descended upon us and the tornadoes began. We didn't get any tornadoes close to me that I know of, but sure got wet. I live with many pines around my house and am therefore somewhat protected from lightning because it will hit the highest object and over the years have lost a few pines. But the winds did blow, the skies turned nearly to night shades and the heavens opened - it still rains this morning, Bill but hopefully it is about finished. Don't know that I can even drive out my little dirt (clay) road - it's like snow slush but is clay slush and you can really get stuck. Glad to know that all of you fared well in this. God bless us all