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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I am sure this has been cover but here goes.....I want to have more than a 30 day supply of warfarin on hand but due to my pharmacy and insurance have not been able to do so....I needed a refill so when I went for my PT this week I told them I need a new script and asked if they would write it for 10mg instead of 5mg....they agreed and now a month supply is really 60 days when I break them in half........Does anyone else do this?
Hmmm...never thought about doing that before....

But, I take it your plan doesn't include 90-day mail prescriptions? That is what I do with most of my medications....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Those might be the best days we will ever know" ... Little Texas ... 'What Might've Been'
I had my doctor write two different scripts... one for 7.5 and one for 5, because last summer we had to up the 7.5 to 10 twice a week cause I went mostly veggie for meals. Nothing like home grown veggie fresh off the vine during summer LOL.

So I have a good 90 day supply of my 5's much of the time.

I get a 90 day supply for all my meds they are filled at Walmart and are $4.00 per 30 day supply.

What is the shelf life for warafin/coumadin?

I've been doing this for at least 2, maybe 3, years. I was taking 6.5mg for a long time, so my PCP wrote Rxes for 90 tablets of 10, 2 and 1 mg each. I switched from Medco Health last year to Walmart to save $$.
Consumer Reports magazine has mentioned this as one way to save on your Rx bill. Doesn't work with capsules, only tablets that are scored and that come in multiple strengths.
I broke 10mg coumadin in half for a number of years to hold down cost without any negative effect on INR. The tablets are scored in order that they usually break evenly. Since switching to generic warfarin, and paying only $4/mo at Walmart, I no longer break 10s. However, my PCP has no problem in prescribing a 90 day supply of 5mg and I pay $12. I still have to break the 5s periodically to get a 2.5mg dose.:p
I have at least 1 year supply of both cardiac meds I take every day. Even though my insurance covers everything but 5 dollars for 90 days worth, it still makes more sense to go to walmart, pay about 40 dollars and not worry again for another year. I also had my doc prescribe me double the mg's so I could split the pill in half. I've taken the same medications since I was 20 and I bet I'll be taking them for some time to come.

The technician at walmart was beligerent when I asked her to do the year supply thing, but the pharmacist had no problem with it. It was almost like the technician assumed anyone purchasing 400 pills is a criminal, even though I take them to stay alive. I don't know anyone that would abuse a beta blocker.
United Healthcare is now ENCOURAGING pill splitting. On our mail order 90 day supplies we get charged 1/2 price if we pill split on the expensive meds like my atacand, and they provide a splitter.
I have two different scrips.. one for 5mg and one for 10mg for warfarin.
My insurance uses Medco and I get the 90 day supply. Works out pretty good.
I run out of room, with a 90 day supply of my liquid potussium. Can't take the big pill. It looks like a drug store in my cabinets.....:eek:
I always have a couple of months supply of warfarin on hand. I've got a few different strengths and can mix and match as needed. I do use up the older meds first so I don't worry about expiration dates. I really like feeling like I am managing my medications rather than being managed by them. Cooker, your idea is a real good one.
I have 5mg, 3mg and 1mg Warfarin in bottles of 50 tablets...I like to mix'n'match to get my correct doseage...Its a great feeling of comfort to know you have plenty of Warfarin on hand.
United Healthcare is now ENCOURAGING pill splitting. On our mail order 90 day supplies we get charged 1/2 price if we pill split on the expensive meds like my atacand, and they provide a splitter.
I just received my pill splitter by United Health Care in the mail. I would like my cardio to let me get 10 mg pills also. I will ask him.
I have a massive stock of 1mg and 3mg but only take the 5mg, my prescription is for 30 of each per month so for ages I have been just telling them not to dispense the smaller ones. All our prescription drugs are free regardless of our age, medical problem, or wealth so it really doesn't matter to me.
While not specific to warfarin, I make sure we have an ample supply of all our medications. I use a local pharmacy and my insurance permits refills about 5 days prior to the previous month's refill date. If I refilled all the meds on January 30, I then refill again on February 25 and March 20. By doing that, I have been able to build up a reserve to have on hand in the case of some emergency or unexpected problem. I like to know I have at least a 30 day reserve on hand and am very careful to use the oldest first so they don't expire.

(Think of such things as 9-11, hurricanes, bird flu (that seems to have faded from the headlines---). Maybe I'm a bit OCD about this?? but it gives me peace of mind so what is the harm.
Well one good thing about not having ins! :)

Well one good thing about not having ins! :)

My dr gives PRN refills on my heart meds so I just to to Target and get as much as I want to at any time cause I dont have an insurance comp to tell me no!:D

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