Still have night sweats?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Eastern SD
I went to see my surgeon yesterday for my 2 week post op checkup and he was worried that I still had night sweats. He checked my last bloodwork from a week ago and the last echo I had when they released me (that my cardio ordered) from the hospital and it looked OK, not sure if he was worried about endocarditis?
He wants me to come back next week for a checkup, does anyone else still have nightsweats after 2 weeks post op?
2 weeks ~~~ how 'bout 2 months.
It wasn't really bad but on my get up every 3 hr. routine I had to
change my T-shirt after the first 3 hrs.
My doc didn't seem concerned ????
It eventually went away. I never did know what caused it.

Hope for you it is nothing serious.
hiya,had nightsweats for a lot longer than 2 weeks,like jack says i had them a few month, my cardio said it can be very normal to get them,
Thank you all, that is good to hear, it makes me feel better! I wonder why night sweats only happen during the night?
I had night sweats for about six weeks. I personally was concerned as well, but absent other symptoms (fever above 101F, no appetite, spots under fingernails - to name a few) I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm almost 5 weeks, and I still have night sweats too. I thought they were getting better, but the past few nights they've returned with a vengence... I woke up at 7AM this morning with the sweat rolling off me.
My doctors here don't seem concerned about them either.
I still get night sweats and I am way out of surgery and way past menopause. I think the body just takes a long time to get back to where it can regulate itself after such a trauma and, sometimes, it just plain loses track of what to do.
I'm six weeks today out of surgery and still getting night sweats but they are getting better. I would also get chills while getting ready for bed or stepping out of the shower. Those are finally getting better too. It is quite an ordeal we've been through.
I just heard from my surgeons nurse, what she said is if you have PPS "Postpericardiotomy syndrome" (inflammation of the heart sack) which I had/have, you will have night sweats. They were worried since I still have it I could still have fluid around my heart. I am about done with the pretasone but they did not want me to take it again (another series of treatments), because steroids increases the chances for infection, at least that is what they tell me.
I had night sweats for several weeks and I was the only one worried...not my nurse nor my doctor were since my blood work was fine and I did not have fever or extreme fatigue or swelling in my legs!
I had night sweats for several weeks and I was the only one worried...not my nurse nor my doctor were since my blood work was fine and I did not have fever or extreme fatigue or swelling in my legs!

Thank you! I have a little fatigue, but no fever. No swelling either. I will see what my cardio says.
Glad to hear you are getting in checked out as I had fluid problems and nightsweats. That said, after the fluid problem was resolved I still had nightsweats. It was a couple of months before they were gone completely.
Me too!

Me too!

I am two years post-op and still have them. Day sweats too. The doc's have done all kinds of tests and don't seem to be bothered by it. Maybe it's just part of aging. My sweating events seem to be random but still I tell my doc about it. You are your own best advocate so if it concerns you then you should pursue it. Take care.
OK, just talked with my cardio, he wants me to continue taking prednisone for the PPS and night sweats. This will add about 11 more days to the original dosage. My surgeon said earlier he did not like extending prednisone because it increases the chances of infection, my cardio said he thinks it is more important to continue with the prednisone and is aware of the increase chances of infection but I still need to do it. So I have 2 different opinions, and not sure what to do??
I too had night sweat for about 4 months after surgery BVA. They were AWFUL !
My card. put me on Nitrogylen patch about a month ago and my night sweat or no longer.
Don't know if it helped ....or it just happened. Was put on Nitro patch because of

c terra
I'm having night sweats right now after waking up from sleeping a few hours. I had just taken a vicidin which has tylenol in it which can cause a fever break. Nights in general are tough because you're more suspectible to depression when no one is around you. I had lots of night sweats+depression/anxiety while I was going through endocarditis, so at least I'm a little more used to it.
My night sweats have pretty much stopped this week. At least they are not as bad as before, thank God.

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